Friday, August 15, 2014

Why Online Dating is a Bad Idea [Pt. 1]....

It's a new day. A night's sleep and a bit of self-reflection leave me regretting my last post...but only slightly. So, I apologize for the outburst of crude language, I know better than that. But, I'm not apologizing for the overall content of the post...I still whole-heartedly back it. 

Okay, I'd like to take a moment to discuss a practice that is becoming more and more commonplace nowadays. Let's talk about the nefarious practice of online dating...

"But Tammy, weren't you a regular of the online dating scene not too long ago?"
 - Yeah, you got me there...definitely couldn't deny that...

"Haha yeah, I remember telling you even back then it was a terrible idea! I mean, just look at some of the guys you 'met' that way..."
- Nope, didn't forget that either. But thanks for that reminder, meanie...

[See what I did there? I gave myself a verbal chastising so that no one else has to do it later!]
Right, guys? I swear I've learned my lesson...
That being said, I know everyone is going to think I'm crazy for starting up new online dating profiles...yes, it sounds ridiculous and stupid, but hear me out!

In a moment of boredom, I created an account on OkCupid. Now is probably a good time to clarify what I mean when I say I 'created an account,' it was really more like a shell of a profile. 

My 'profile' consisted of nothing other than a screenname, profile picture, and the bare minimum of personal info. (Age, where I live, and what gender I'm interested in...). I didn't spend any time fleshing out my profile to include likes/dislikes, what my ideal date is like, or any of the other hundreds of questions required to make online dating even slightly efficient. 

So, that being said, I was rather surprised at the onslaught of messages from guys that flooded my inbox...
Umm, I'm confused, guys...

How could so many men proclaim to be interested in a person that they know literally nothing about? They don't know if I'm educated, if I like to rob banks on the weekend, or if I'm looking to expand my collection of human flesh lampshades! [/shudder I can't believe I even typed that last little bit...]

/gasp! They like me??

But I guess this serves as a lesson to me, and others like me...looks really do matter THAT much. I will always view this practice as ludicrous and shallow, but I can't deny that it happens. All of those men wanted to at least talk to me simply because they thought I had a pretty face. 

/not amused

Moving on...let me tell you about the people that I encountered on OkCupid. The vast majority of the messages I received were something to the tune of "Hey Gurrrrl! I think your hawt! Where has you been all of my life? You KNOW you wanna meet up and get you some of ALL this!" 

Soooo, as enticing as all of the messages from the cat-callers were, I elected to respond to virtually none of them. I did, however, start conversations with two guys. For anonymity purposes, lets call them J and B. 

Both guys seemed really nice, and their initial messages were had a touch more substance than the example I provided earlier. To be honest, I don't remember much about these two...I do remember that B is 40, lives about 2 hours from me, has two kids ages 15 and 17, and is 3 years divorced after a 14 year marriage. On the other hand...I'm pretty sure J is in his 20s, never been married, and has no children. 

What have I done?!?
I continued to talk to B because I liked his sense of humor and I talked to J because he was a gamer/music nerd and I felt like we could relate at least on that level. After several rounds of sending messages back and forth with both of these guys, I grew tired of the messaging system OkCupid uses on their site and exchanged phone numbers so that we could start texting instead. Not but a few hours later, I'd realized that I'd made a terrible, terrible mistake....

I'm not usually one for writing with cliffhangers, but I have to cut it short and end this post here...time constraints with it being a work day and all...No worries, though, I'll finish my OkCupid post next time. Until then...happy Friday!
Happy Dance!! 

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