Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New Computer, Yay!

Guess who's finally rejoining the PC world...

As stated in my earlier post, my new computer finally arrived this afternoon. I know that in the grand scheme of things, two weeks isn't very long, but holy cow it felt like forever and a day!

Setting it up was a breeze, and it seems like it would work with the desk that I already have. [I've got one of those space-saving corner desk things] But, since I typically use a double-monitor set up for work, I'm going to have to replace my current desk with one that'll actually fit two monitors...

No problems with the new computer so far...I haven't loaded any of my appraisal software yet, I plan on doing that tomorrow. So, I'm crossing my fingers that all of those installations go smoothly as well.

Well, I really just wanted to write a post from my new computer...seeing as that's done, I guess I'll be going...hope you have a good night!

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