Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Marvel Universe Live!

Exciting stuff!! So exciting that I couldn't wait and write a post about it tomorrow!!

I'm taking my kiddo to go see Marvel Universe Live! Squeeeee!!! I'm so excited!! *ahem* I mean, he's gonna be so excited!!!
I know that gif is annoying, but it accurately reflects how excited I am about this!!

Would it be inappropriate to slip one of them my phone number?

As far as I know, this year is the first that this show has been in production. I heard about it months ago, and have been planning on taking the kiddo for his birthday, but I hadn't bought tickets yet...it was too far in
Perfectly acceptable reaction!
advance to buy them. [I've been dying to go before tickets were even available!] Got online a little bit ago to see about ordering tickets, and they've added video trailers to their website...cue the fangirls! 

[Blogger is being funny about letting me change the layout of this post for some reason...my apologies for the awkward arrangements...I'm trying to fix it, but the post simply won't cooperate /sigh]

The few reviews that I've read have been nothing but praise for the show...the only negative ones were comments on not being able to get tickets and having to wait until next year...

This is one of the preview videos on YouTube...it's not the same one that is posted on the show's website, but it's still pretty good. Is it October yet??

Stop-eth, Cretans! It's hammer time!

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