Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Look at me, I'm doing stuff!

I've got my first 'room mom' meeting this about an hour and a half, actually...and I'm freaking out, just a little bit...

It's not 'job interview' scary or 'medical school interview' scary, not by any means...but the idea of having to sit down and chit-chat with these ladies that I know nothing about.../sigh do I have to?

Might be time to break out
these sweet moves again!
Luckily for me, there are only going to be 5 of us...and I know I've at least seen two of these ladies. One of them I actually quite like...her daughter sits at the same table/group as my kiddo in class, we talked a little on 'meet the teacher' day. The other one that I know I'll recognize is the lady who I ran into at the fundraising know, the one who got to experience my full-blown awkwardness first-hand?

So times ahead...soooo looking forward to it.

I know, I know...I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill. Maybe these ladies are going to be awesome, and today will be the start of some epic new friendships.

/Sigh Oh well. I know I'm making way too big of a deal out of this...I'm sure everything will be just fine.


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