Friday, August 22, 2014

Dangerously Bored...

It's Friday, again! Congratulations on making it through yet another work/school week...I should have a relatively short work day, parents, the kiddo, and I are headed down to PCB for the weekend. Now, I know that some of you are having those "wow, that sounds awesome! You're so lucky!" thoughts, but I assure you, they aren't warranted.

My parents own a few condo units down there, so our visits are far more condo maintenance and very little actual relaxing. Personally, I always feel like I need a vacation from out PCB 'vacations.' [PCB = Panama City Beach, FL...just in case you were wondering...]

16+ hour audio book?? Yessss!
So there's the drive to look forward to this afternoon...I actually don't mind the drive all that much, I rather like long drives, especially if there's good company. Or if I happen to be traveling by myself, there's not much better than a good audio book or mix list to car-dance along to. Aaaand I know I'll get picked on for saying I like audio books...but there isn't a safe way to play a gameboy and drive yet, so listening to a book is pretty much the next best thing!

So, last night, I was sitting in my apartment just doing my usual over-thinking stuff...and I noticed an alarming trend to my thought patterns...said patterns go something like so:
My actual ear! Before losing
the two upper piercings :(

" know, I really like my latest ear piercing. And you know, it really didn't take all that long to heal and it didn't really give me any didn't hurt much at all, and I did end up having to take out my other two cartilage piercings...why don't I get another one? Yeah! Why not?!? I should absolutely go and get another piercing!! But what would I get? etc, etc..."

This red is an acceptable hair color,
"It's been a while since I've dyed my long has it been? At least 6 least. You know, I really like dyeing my hair! Why has it been so long since I've dyed it? Maybe I should dye it today...or now! What color should I do? I really want to dye my hair some funky color...but then I'd get funny looks from all the teachers and parents at my kiddo's school...I don't want him to feel awkward or anything because he's got "that weird mom with the funky hair colors", brown. But brown's so boring! Ooooh! Red!!! Red's not that outlandish! etc, etc.."

Do you guys see what's going on?

I'm bored.

Not your everyday, 'there's absolutely nothing to watch on tv,' sort of bored. The 'I'm not exactly thrilled with certain aspects of my life right now...I need a quick and easy change' sort of bored. The kind of bored that will result in additional piercings, unnecessarily colored hair, short-lived hobbies, and purchasing way too many home decor items.

The downfall of being so painfully self-aware is that I know what's happening, I know exactly what's happening. And because I know what's happening, I am unavoidably obligated to do something about it, which will require me making changes to my daily routine.

"Hey, weren't you just saying a few posts back that you felt like you needed to make some changes anyway?"

Well, yeah...but that doesn't make it any more pleasant to do.

So the question is, where to start? Money management? Eating healthier? Exercising more...or any, rather?

What?!? I'm in my fort, I can't hear you!
I know, I know...I'm an 'adult' and need to act as such. And I will. But...I don't wanna!! /sigh

Anyway...I hope you guys have a good weekend!


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