Monday, August 4, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy...

Hope you all had a good weekend, if you didn't use some portion of it to go see Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, shame on you!

I'll be the first to admit, I thought it looked like a ridiculous movie when I first started seeing trailers for it about a year ago. With the massive onslaught of comic book-themed movies, many of which are devastatingly sub par, it was easy to write it off as another movie flop. I mean, seriously, there's a gun-toting, talking raccoon. And what's going on with the walking tree guy?

But, I was wrong about this movie! (And people said that I'd never admit when I was wrong...pssht!)
Guardians of the Galaxy is easily in the running for one of the best Marvel movies made to date, and anyone who knows me also knows that this is a huge deal! ( big of a deal as loving a movie could be...) I was skeptical when I'd read a few critic's reviews saying that this movie easily rivaled the Avengers movie and that it would very likely be the next big thing, as far as superheroes go. But they were right...

The movie managed to find that tricky balance between action and humor, and even though it takes place in space with aliens abound (Peter Quill, aka StarLord, played by Chris Pratt, is said to be the only human), it didn't come across as the cheesy movie I had anticipated. 
Chris Pratt did an excellent job of bringing his character, Peter Quill, to life. As one of the main characters of a little known comic book series, I think he deserves recognition for making Quill one of the decades most likable movie characters. Now, I'm not saying that the newbie rag-tag team of accidental heroes is going to replace my longtime DC/Marvel favorites...but they are definitely going to be added to the roster!
Also, I now have a fangirl crush on Chris Pratt. He's adorable, he's funny, and gives the impression that he's a genuinely all-around nice guy. Did I mention that he's adorable?

I definitely recommend that you go see this movie, maybe even twice!

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