Friday, August 8, 2014

More Arrow Please!

I completely forgot to add what I'd found out about Arrow yesterday...

I found out that the second season of Arrow isn't available on Netflix. There are few episodes available on Hulu, but they're mid-season episodes and there are only half a dozen or so that you can watch in their entirety. Also checked the CW website, and it's pretty much the same as Hulu. 

This makes me seriously sad, guys. How can Netflix enable binge-watching of shows and not provide all of the completely aired seasons?!? 

Stephen Amell is just too stinkin' adorable! I did find out the the second season will be available on BluRay and DVD in September. I will be purchasing it...assuming that I'll have the funds to do so...Adding an unexpected car payment on top of already tight finances will certainly put a hindrance on buying things for entertainment. 

And, just because...
He's ab-solutely right...someone please give him my contact info! ;)

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