Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I Need An Adult...

My son's new school had one last registration confirmation event last night. Over the course of the summer, I had to go to the school to confirm our address three times! Three! I understand that I'm registering him for a school in a desirable school district, but c'mon...is it really necessary to have three separate confirmations?

After proving for the third time that our address is indeed our address, the kiddo and I got the chance to walk around the school and find his classroom. The school is huge! Well, huge in my opinion anyway...(Probably a good time to point out that I graduated from a really small high school) I ended up having to ask someone for directions to the kindergarten hall. Thankfully, I wasn't the only parent who had to do so.

After struggling with the pre-paid bundle of school supplies that I had purchased during one of the several registrations, we had to sit through a "kindergarten question & answer" program... I understand that there's a ton of information for parents who have a new kindergartners, but we were sitting there for almost two hours! *grumble grumble grumble*

Overall, I'm very happy with the school that my kiddo is going to, and I'm pretty sure that I will end up loving his teacher and making new friends...it's just hard to remember all of the positive things when I'm staring at a sheet of items to buy for the classroom and the list of required fees...

Tomorrow is the official "meet the teacher" day, and I'm sure I'll be full of opinions and you guys will get to read all about it...I bet I can even find memes! You guys enjoy your Tuesday...

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