Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday Updates...

Good news! My kiddo's first day of kindergarten was a success! Morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up both went off without a hitch, and he survived his first lunch in a cafeteria. He even said that PE was fun! I'm so glad that his first day of "big kid school" went well for him, I'm hoping the rest of the school year continues to go well...definitely makes all of the aggravation leading up to the beginning of the school year worth it. His school reminds me of some the better schools that I went to as a child. (Being an army brat, my family moved around a good bit. I went to about 10 different schools for kindergarten through finishing high school and have seen my share of really good schools and not-so-good schools...) I signed up for all sorts of parent-volunteer opportunities...guess I'm going to be the mom that shows up for everything! I know that will drive my kiddo crazy when he gets older, but I'd much rather be involved than have no clue what's going on with my child's education. (Knowing that he's going to a great school makes even the traffic more bearable!)
Holy Cow! Morning School Traffic!

Ouch! :(

Elsewhere in Gotham City...I'm supposed to find out the fate of my car sometime this afternoon. My insurance company is sending one of their agents to inspect the car to see if it's going to be deemed fixable or if it needs to be totaled. Everybody please cross their fingers that it comes back as fixable...I won't be able to afford a car to replace my poor Saab if it isn't fixable.

Found out yesterday that the motherboard in my personal desktop computer is most likely fried. Luckily, my parents have ordered me a new computer for my birthday (read: computer for work stuffs) otherwise I'd have to add "fix computer" to the list of expensive worries that have been plaguing me here lately. But the lack of computer, both laptop and desktop, are certainly to blame for the delay of the birthday post I've been promising. I've written posts from the iPad before but it's terribly inconvenient for posting pictures, links, and videos. The post is coming though...eventually. Maybe I should write snippets of it whenever I can and then copy and paste them together...darn computers.

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