Monday, August 11, 2014

Okay, So It Isn't Really That Bad...

Okay, so I need to amend my statement from my earlier isn't that bad at all!

Got some good news from an old health insurance company. I've been fighting with them for almost a year! Turns out I had a bill that I didn't know existed, it was weighing down my credit score...for 5 years! But finally got some news that they may actually do their jobs and pay the bill! Hooray! (I seriously do not have the $25K that they didn't cover!) 

In other news, I'm still waiting to hear back from my car insurance company. Still crossing my fingers that the Saab doesn't have to be totaled. According to my calculations, this is what I'll probably be able to afford if I have to replace it: 

Maybe I'll get my kiddo to help me pedal! 

My apologies for being grumpy and pessimistic earlier, hope you had a decent Monday as well! 

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