Friday, January 2, 2015

Old Resolutions For The New Year...

In spite of my complete loathing of 'new year's resolutions,' I found myself mentally making a few yesterday...though, to be fair, they aren't exactly new resolutions...more like goals that I've been wanting to work towards for quite some time and  I've decided to actively pursue.

1. I plan to spend less money.
I spend a lot of money on unnecessary things. Way too much. I know that in previous posts I'd complained about not having enough income...realistically, my income won't increase enough to magically fix all of my financial I need to do what I can to make the best of what I've got and to also work towards improving things for the future. [Unless someone would like to slide a winning lottery ticket my way...I'd be alright with that]

2. I plan to work on improving my health.
What does this mean exactly? Becoming more physically active? Improving my diet and eating less junk food? Finding some sort of outlet for stress relief? Yes. To all of it. I realize that my actual resolution statement is fairly vague...but I think it will work out better that way. I know that if I make it my goal to eat like a bird or do boot camp-esque workouts thrice daily, there's no way I'll stick to the resolution [nothing like the feeling of failure to make you really want to continue to make goals!]. If I keep the goal as more of a lifestyle change, then I'm less likely to feel like a total failure if I have an 'off' day. 

3. I plan on finding ways to not let the little things bother me.
I realize that a big portion of this has to do with my personality and temperament, but I am starting to see that this will only add to my already staggering stress levels. Sooooo, the extra stress needs to go.

4. I need to learn not to cling to people that aren't making an effort to stay in my life.
I know that sounds like a 'significant other/relationship' type of statement, but it's not. I'm more referring to friends and family. [Not meaning that I intend to push people away...] I realize that people change and as they change, so will friendships/relationships. I need to learn not to always take it personally. If someone acts as if they don't want to be around me, then I won't push it. I've learned the hard way that if someone wants to talk to you, they will [especially if you've already initiated conversation and have very obviously left the ball in their court]. There's no point in beating a dead horse. Even if it was your favorite horsey at one point. 

I'm still going to make the jar thingy, too...I'm planning on going to pick up the things to decorate it sometime today. I'll post to let you know how it's going...

Hope you have a good Friday!

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