Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Anime Bandages...

Hey, guys..

I don't really have much to post about right now...I've been having a bit of existential difficulty lately...I've found myself being genuinely depressed about the continual forward progression of time. No matter how badly you might wish to go back and visit an earlier time, you can't. You just can't

Those moments are simply gone. 

The best that I can hope for is that I can remember every detail...I can hope that my mind won't lose those precious images...that I won't forget the things, the little things, that mean everything to me...


In a feeble attempt to distract my mind from crippling sadness, I've been trying to make use of the 30 day trial of Crunchyroll Premium that I received in last month's Loot Crate. 

Nothing numbs emotions like binge-watching anime, right?

Yeah...I'd rather be watching Supernatural, tbh...

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