Sunday, January 4, 2015

Achievement Unlocked: Poughkeepsie...

I've finally done it...
And there was much rejoicing...

I've finished all nine of the seasons of Supernatural on Netflix!

Luckily, I'd set the current season to record on my DVR so that I wouldn't have to wait until it came out on DVD or Netflix before getting to watch it.

It feels a little odd to have finished all of the episodes on Netflix...

Watching Supernatural has been my 'go to' thing for, what will I do?

I've still got the episodes of the current season...but I should be finished watching them in about a week or so. Then, I'll be caught up. And then I'll join the ranks of those who have to wait a minimum of a week between episodes?!? And what if the show goes on one of those ridiculous extended breaks?!? /faint

On the brighter side, I'll finally be able to join those who like to talk about what's currently happening on the more worrying about accidentally reading a spoiler!


Okay, I guess it isn't all tragedy.

Not much else exciting going on right now...

The kiddo starts back to school tomorrow [he's protested it pretty much all day today].

That also means that I have to go back to work tomorrow, too [which I've also protested pretty much all day today].

It's probably for the best, though. The lack of schedule that comes along with the holidays has really done a number on my already feeble sanity...

Well, I've got to go and attempt to reinstate the 'school night' bedtime...followed by a long overdue date with my DVR...wish me luck! [With both! I've heard some pretty dismal things about the current season...]

Oooh! I wonder if it unlocks new content!

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