Friday, January 9, 2015

Commitment Issues...

Freaking out a little bit this morning...

I made an appointment to have my hair cut and colored today.

I know I've been talking about coloring my hair for some time now, but I'm still freaking out a little...

I won't panic...I won't panic...I'm panicking.
I think it's because I know that once I let her put color on my hair, that's it. I'm committed. I could always put a dark color over it, I guess...but it'll still take a good 8 months before my hair has grown out enough to consider cutting off the colored bits.

Aaaaand, if I color my hair, it pretty much negates the possibility of cutting my hair into a pixie...for a little while anyway. It would be rather wasteful to spend time and money coloring my hair only to have most of it cut off.

I'd considered calling and canceling...but my appointment is with an individual and not someone that works in a salon. And I know for certain that this lady went out of her to get color and materials specifically for my hair...she sent me a text message saying so!


Definite downside to having commitment issues [not that I can really think of any positives, either].

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