Thursday, January 8, 2015


Just a heads up, this post contains random things that I find bothersome...feel free to skip this post, if you want...

First thing that bugs me:
If you are a seller on eBay [or any site that is similar], don't be intentionally misleading. Jerks are intentionally misleading, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to be a jerk.

I've been doing some eBay browsing...I noticed lots of posts that were touting 'rare' items...items that are listed as 'very hard to find' or 'limited edition' should be just that. I think it's horrible that some of you list items as such when they're the very opposite! Specifically, I noticed some Disney merchandise that was listed as 'rare' on multiple listings...that very same item can be purchased right now straight from the Disney Store site! And for a fraction of the price!

Shame you on you, shady vendors. Shame.

Next thing that bugs me:
AT&T, you need to work on your customer service representation.

I called last week to tweak my U-Verse package a bit [does anybody else think that cable/internet is ridiculously expensive?], and the lady that 'helped' me royally fudged up my cable package. Big time.

I'm crossing my fingers that my bill isn't going to be botched the same way!

Dear upstairs neighbors,
You are the most inconsiderate couple of a-holes that I could have ever had the misfortune to live near. You walk like a pack of elephants and you have terrible taste in music. And I would know. I hear it quite often.
Loathsomely yours,

And then:
Whomever is walking their little shite of a dog and allowing it to take little shites all over the common breezeways and sidewalks...I hate you. Marginally less than I hate my upstairs neighbors.

You are a lazy and sorry excuse for a responsible adult, let alone pet owner.

I pay way too much for my crappy apartment to have to deal with living in a literally crappy apartment building.

How hard is it to pick up after your dog? Too hard? If so, don't own a friggin dog, genius!

If/when I figure out who you are, I'll then figure out which apartment is yours and which car is yours. Expect some less than pleasant placements of your fecal transgressions.

If you are fortunate enough to not suffer the burden of social anxiety, please consider yourself to be truly lucky. Because you are.

However, please do be sensitive to those around you who might not be as lucky.

Yes, it may seem strange to you that there are some people who can get physically ill at the mere thought of an unwanted [or wanted, sometimes] social interaction. It can, and does, happen. Please try to be considerate.


Yep, that'll do for now.

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