I just got finished with my hair appointment...
I don't love it, but I don't hate it either.

Here's the picture that I sent to show what color I'd like in my hair...
I'd originally wanted to put two colors in my hair [some caramel and some red] but I'd settled for one color after I'd talked to the lady that does my hair. [She said that she could do two colors but I got the vibe that she wasn't crazy about the idea...]
This picture shows highlights in two shades of blonde, so I opted for the lighter color. Not my favorite shade for myself, but /shrug I thought it might be time do shake things up a bit.
Ah, the lovely 'before' picture. Nothing special to see here. No makeup means that I look about 15 years old, but /shrug oh well. I just wanted to take a picture to use as a comparison.

The thing that I do find bothersome, though, is that in normal lighting, the color is so subtle that it's almost non-existent.

See what I mean?
Oh well. Next time I'll just get red. It's what I really want anyway.
Aaaaand I just realized that I take a lot of pictures with that weird smirky face. I should probably fix that.
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