Thursday, January 22, 2015

Don't Be That Guy...

Soooooo...chronic negativity in the workplace is a bad thing...

Loads of studies support this statement...

In fact, here's a link to an essay about the effects of workplace negativity:

Workplace Negativity Essay

Short list of reasons why you should avoid knowingly spewing your negative venom all over the workplace all the time:
- detrimental to overall office morale
- people will think you're a jerk
- notable decreases in office productivity
- co-workers will rightfully suspect you might be a jerk
- potential decrease in new/returning clientele
- you'll eventually remove all doubts as to whether or not you are, indeed, a jerk

[I tried to find some sort of semi-serious/informative picture of workplace negativity via bullying...but the search results were mostly hilarious. I mean...check out the gravity defying necktie!]

So, there's that...I'm just going to leave it with it what you will...

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