Sunday, December 28, 2014

Yay, Movies...

Hope you're having a good morning... I am doing alright, despite being under-caffeinated.

For those who might be curious, the third Hobbit movie was fantastic! [I may be biased, seeing as I love The Hobbt...]

I think the movie did a great job rounding out the trilogy! I was a bit skeptical before watching the movie, I'd heard that it wasn't as good as the previous two...but I really did enjoy it. I also highly recommend taking advantage of the DBox option, if it is available. [DBox is a section of special seats that movie and shake while you're watching a movie, especially during action sequences. It's a lot like those rides at theme parks...the Star Wars one at Disney, the Back to the Future on at Universal...] Of course, the tickets are more expensive, but it's worth the money. Unless you are prone to motion sickness. Then, you should avoid the DBox like the plague!

Well, I only have time to write a short post, for now. Will try to post again later today...

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