Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Unwelcome Phantoms...

How long does it take for someone to disappear from your consciousness?

You probably know what I'm talking about...

Right after a break-up (significant other, friend, family, or otherwise) that person is constantly at the forefront of your mind, whether you want them there or not. It seems like nothing is distracting enough. Nothing helps soothe the raw, exposed, frayed nerves of your heart. And yet...

It happens quietly. Days pass by, and the pain lessens a bit. But...just because the pain's left, doesn't necessarily mean that the offender of your emotions has relinquished their foxhole in your mind. Seems, to me, that their ghost still lingers...more than happy to manifest at the most inconvenient of times to remind you of what was and is no longer...

I know that, eventually, those nasty phantoms fade, too...but when? 

Frankly, I'm tired of mine being a crotchety old grump. Coming out and shaking his cane at me whenever I manage to have a 'good' day. 

Maybe this would be a job for the Winchesters? Somebody give Sam and Dean a call for me, I'll bring the salt...

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