Saturday, December 20, 2014

Where Are You Weekend? Why Can't I Find You??

I hope all of you guys are having a good weekend so far...

Nathan Fillion disapproves. 
I'm stuck catching up on some work. Doesn't everyone love to work on the weekends/holidays?

Our clients have this thing that they do...every time a holiday is around the corner, they flood our inboxes with tons and tons of orders. I know why they do it, they don't want to be stuck working a holiday weekend either, but gaaaaahhhhhh....

So, in an attempt to get everything finished and submitted before Christmas Eve, I've been working extra hours everyday this past week...and I'm sitting at my work computer on my precious Saturday. /pout

It would be one thing if our clients acted as if they understood that we appraisers want Christmas off just as badly as they do...but nooooooo. They'll slam us full of orders on the 23rd and then start demanding the finished result on the 26th. No little Holiday Bonus incentives at all...and they're certainly not shy about being demanding trolls, clamoring that they must have reports the day after Christmas...knowing that they're probably nursing their own holiday hangovers. /grumble /grumble /grumble

Thought, I guess I can't entirely complain. I do have the luxury of working while wearing my amazing panda kigurumi! If I'm not out inspecting properties and dealing with clients face-to-face, the panda pjs are on...I figure it's only fair. If I'm going to have to be stuck staring at a computer screen for work on an 'off' day, at least I can wear my panda kigu. [/chuckle I swear I'm a mostly-responsible adult...]

In other news...I think I'm starting to get sick. [It's taken me a ridiculously long time to write out this post...I've been typing snippets in between working on building reports...probably not the most efficient methods for completing either. /shrug...

Yep. From the time I started this post to now, I've began feeling like poo...
It's just not fair...sick and stuck working. Boo.

The only thing worse than having extra work on a weekend? Having to trudge through said extra work while feeling like poo!!!

If someone felt inclined to come to my rescue today, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to the idea...any takers?

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