Saturday, December 27, 2014

Life's A Beach...

Good beach morning to you!

I love the beach in the winter...there's all of the picturesque sunrises and sunsets without any of heat, humidity, or troves of tourists. [Though, it is unseasonably warm. Can someone please remind the weather that it's only two days after Christmas and not the middle of spring?]

Today is a day for distractions. My already minimal sanity depends on my being able to keep my thoughts from straying to the darker corners of my mind, the corners that stubbornly dwell on things that the rest of me have already resigned to move on from. [There's a certain wedding today that I'm internally protesting. I'm really trying to not be bothered, but being 'not bothered' is pretty much as far from the truth as the East is from the West.]

On a far happier note, today my brother and I are going to go see the final Hobbit movie. Super excited about it! I'll be sure to let you guys know what I thought of the movie.

In the meantime, if anyone has some foolproof thought-distracting methods, please share them!

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