Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Felines That Hate Your Holiday Cheer....

Because it never fails, the stress of the holiday season is beginning to take its toll on everyone in my family. [Seriously. It's an annual thing. Though it's been getting better over the last year or two, the misery of the holidays was so bad that I'd hated Christmas. Not the holiday itself nor the reason for the season...but all of the family stuff that people usually love and look forward to, I'd loathed. And I wasn't the only one...I don't think anyone in my family really wanted to participate.]

This year is much better...probably because I'm not dating anyone. [Doesn't seem like that should play a substantial role in the overall mood of Christmas for my entire family, but for some unfair reason, it does.]

That being said...I find myself feeling incredibly grumpy this afternoon. Work stresses, gift planning/purchasing/wrapping, planning get togethers and menus...I've had enough.

So...in observance of my newly realized lack of Christmas merriment, I present to you: cats that are hating their Christmases. [The internet exists to bring people funny cat pictures, right?]

The layout of the pictures look like crap. Blogger is being a pain. I don't care enough to tinker with it and fix it right now. [Hence, the post of fed-up cats.]

Grumpy cat will always be my
spirit animal...

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