Monday, December 8, 2014

Help Me Pick, Please!


I think I may be in need of an intervention...[well, sort of...]

As I'm prone to do, I've gotten bored.

I've been toying with the idea of changing my appearance somehow. I've got about 3 ways to do so...feel free to drop me a line letting me know which you think would be best, or telling me that I've lost my mind and shouldn't consider any of them right now!

First, and least permanent, would be colored contacts.

Let me start off by saying that I don't need contacts. I'm fortunate to not need glasses to read or drive, and many people look at me funny when I tell them that I want colored contacts even though I don't require contacts of any kind. But because I'm a silly girl, I love wearing colored contacts. I've had a few pairs of them before. I typically stick with some variation of gray, green, or bright blue...the problem is finding a color that will actually show up on my dark brown eyes.

Both of these were taken about two years ago...pretty sure that in the picture on the right I'm wearing green lenses and I'm wearing gray ones on the left...

What do you think? Contacts, yay or nay?

Another option would be coloring my hair [I think I might have mentioned it in a previous post...]. As you can see in the pictures above, I don't have any issues with coloring my hair. The toughie here would be whether I wanted to drop the kind of money that it takes to get my hair done at a decent salon or if I wanted to be cheap and get a box of dye to color it myself.

Another detail: with my hair being so dark, it's really pointless to try and use any shade of brown and any 'box blonde' turns out orange. That leaves me with reds and blacks.

My hair is very, very dark I don't ever see myself going with black dye [what would be the point?]...sooo, yep! I always go back to my first hair love, red.

The more subtle shades of red don't really change my hair color much, so the last few times I dyed it myself I went with comic-book shades of red. To the right is a picture from the last time I went red...

I'm a huge fan of the color, but it takes a lot to maintain it. Last time, I wound up putting a box of brown over if before my friend's wedding...but /shrug I probably would have left it red if it weren't for me seeing people that I've known for a decade but haven't seen in 5+ years. Whether it's fair or not, there's a sort of social judgement that comes with having a hair color that isn't found in nature...

Another option: good old haircut.

I got a pretty significant cut a couple of months ago, but I get bored with my hair very quickly. Here's a picture from about a year and a half ago when I went really short with my hair.

Now, I loved the cut. I know I don't have the 'typical' physique to pull off this sassy haircut, but I loved it anyway. It was easy to manage [well...maybe not. I've got naturally curly hair that can get a bit unruly. When it was short, I did have to straighten it everyday I didn't want to wear a hat...but there was much less hair to straighten!]

I know that some people liked the cut on me, and some people hated it...but I'm the one that has to live with the hair, so...yeah.

[I should also note that this is the event that caused me to realize that the guy I was engaged to at the time definitely wasn't the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. This haircut had a purpose. I cut my hair as a show of support for a family member who was having a tough time medically. Knowing the reason why I cut my hair, he told me that I was hideous. I learned that, with him, looks mattered over everything  else...and this was after we'd been together for a good while and I thought maybe he loved me for who I was...I mean, hair grows back, duh. Turns out, damaged relationships don't fix nearly as easily as hair growing back. I'm sorry, but if you are malicious enough to tell the woman that you 'love' that she's hideous and 'it's not like you were a trophy girl to begin with,' you're asking for a break up with a complimentary slap in the face. Just saying.]

Rambling asides aside...I'm not absolutely sure that I want to go quite that short again. But my hair is still above my shoulders, so there's not much else I could do if I went the haircut route.

Lastly, I might get another ear piercing.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, this is my ear from earlier this year. Since that picture was taken, I've taken out the two upper cartilage piercings. [One by accident, one out of stupidity]

I love ear piercings. They're relatively inexpensive, they're not very painful, and, well, I like the way they look. However, there's always the risk of something not healing properly and all the nastiness that would entail...and the uber-conservative populace [my lovely parents included] frown upon having more than an ear piercing or two.

If I were to get another piercing, it would probably be similar to the picture to the left. [Cartilage, not lobe]

I think it's cute... appears that I'm nowhere near deciding what I want to do. [not that that's a new thing for me...] So, what do you think?

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