Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Would You Share?

Hidden camera shows are certainly not a new concept, not by any means. But every now and then, you run across someone who seems to have found a way to use this style of media to promote something 'good.'

*onion-cutting ninja warning: this video will likely cause your eyes to water. I've attributed this eye-leakage to the onion-cutting ninjas...sneaky, sneaky ninjas....

My sister showed me this video earlier this morning...and, of course, I cried. Though, to be fair, it seems to be far easier to make me cry now as opposed to a few years ago. Now, I could cry over just about anything. I could see it now...

Kiddo: Hey Mommy! Look at those leaves that the wind blew off of that tree! Isn't that cool?!?
Me: It sure is! *Looks at leaves, turns to look at tree, then stares at leaves as they blow away. I ponder the plight of the leaves...how symbolic they are! Then I ponder the tree and it's loss...does the tree perceive the falling away of its leaves as a loss? Do the leaves rejoice in their newly found freedom or are they distraught at being ripped away from their tree, the source of their very being? How simple and mundane, leaves being blown from a tree...and yet, how wistful and tragic...oh, leaves...oh, tree....*
Kiddo: Umm, Mommy? Are you okay? Why are you crying??
Me: I'm okay, sweetie...I just got some dirt in my eye...

And that's how I process things. For real. Odd, isn't it?

Oddities aside, give the video a watch, have a good cry, ponder humanity or lack thereof [or don't...that might be just a 'me' thing...], and pass it along if you feel lead to do so...

With so much garbage going viral, wouldn't it be nice to see a worthy cause get the same attention?

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