Sunday, November 30, 2014

How Rude...

My upstairs neighbors are the worst...ever!

For the last two hours, they've been blasting their obnoxious music. It's so loud, I could still hear it after I put in earplugs!

They're starting up again...
They do this sort of crap all the time. It's pretty much a daily occurrence. Every now and then, I luck out and get a night without the constant thumping of their sound system...but I'm guessing that's only when they're not in for the night...

It's maddening!

I've knocked on their door and asked them to keep their music down, especially if it's a school night...I'm thinking they have no clue how hard it can be to get a little one to go to sleep if it sounds like there's a bad rave going on above our heads...

Knocking on their door doesn't help. Calling apartment management doesn't help [though, I'm not even entirely sure that management even attempted to do anything about the constant noise]. Nothing's helped, and I'm running out of ways to try and solve the issue nicely...I thought about being "that neighbor" that bangs back on the ceiling whenever I find their noise levels to be offensive...but I'm thinking that it would likely backfire. As my upstairs neighbors, they've got the capacity to be so much louder and even more inconsiderate...they already stomp around like elephants, I'd hate to hear what it'd be like if they were intentionally being noisy.


Whatever happened to people being thoughtful of those around them?

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