It just dawned on me that I'd never posted a link to my Pinterest stuff on here before...
My Awesome Pinterest Stuff!
I probably should have done that a long time ago...
But there it is! Click on it and check my super cool pinned stuff!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Link to My Pinterest Stuff...
Can I Quit Today? Please?
Today has been such a crap day.
Started off this morning with another lovely round of car troubles...I'd already made arrangements to pick up my sister after she'd dropped her car off at the mechanic. Well...her car didn't quite make it there...
Her battery had died [one of the several reasons she'd made an appointment to have her car fixed had to do with her batter not holding a charge] I think three times in all before we finally managed to get her car to the mechanic. Luckily, my dad had an appointment that put him in the same area at the same time as my sister's car troubles...I don't know how we managed to get it done without any injury, but we did! [This included one particularly daring mid-major road battery jumping!] Thank goodness for our awesome Dad and some too-good-to-be-coincidental timing!
Continuing with the mood of the seemed to have no trouble following suite. The work today wasn't particularly difficult...there was just tons of it. Sheer amount made the workload feel overwhelming. [And there's more of that to look forward to tomorrow...yay...]
After the kiddo and I finally got home this evening, I was looking forward to a nice, relaxing evening...maybe a pleasant evening at home would help temper the less than enjoyable day. Aaaand, I wasn't that lucky.
Some days, this parenting gig is too much to bear.
Some days, the messes are just too big.
Some days...I just wish I wasn't doing this alone. [I very much appreciate any and all help I get from family members, so y'all don't take that statement as an offense, please]
I'm trying to figure out how to handle my kiddo forgetting how to properly count to 12. And he's looking right at a clock, too. It's literally a foot in front of his face. /siiiiiigggggh Guys...please pray for me to have the patience of a saint, 'cause I certainly don't have it right now...
Started off this morning with another lovely round of car troubles...I'd already made arrangements to pick up my sister after she'd dropped her car off at the mechanic. Well...her car didn't quite make it there...
Her battery had died [one of the several reasons she'd made an appointment to have her car fixed had to do with her batter not holding a charge] I think three times in all before we finally managed to get her car to the mechanic. Luckily, my dad had an appointment that put him in the same area at the same time as my sister's car troubles...I don't know how we managed to get it done without any injury, but we did! [This included one particularly daring mid-major road battery jumping!] Thank goodness for our awesome Dad and some too-good-to-be-coincidental timing!
Continuing with the mood of the seemed to have no trouble following suite. The work today wasn't particularly difficult...there was just tons of it. Sheer amount made the workload feel overwhelming. [And there's more of that to look forward to tomorrow...yay...]
After the kiddo and I finally got home this evening, I was looking forward to a nice, relaxing evening...maybe a pleasant evening at home would help temper the less than enjoyable day. Aaaand, I wasn't that lucky.
Some days, this parenting gig is too much to bear.

Some days...I just wish I wasn't doing this alone. [I very much appreciate any and all help I get from family members, so y'all don't take that statement as an offense, please]
I'm trying to figure out how to handle my kiddo forgetting how to properly count to 12. And he's looking right at a clock, too. It's literally a foot in front of his face. /siiiiiigggggh Guys...please pray for me to have the patience of a saint, 'cause I certainly don't have it right now...
Car Troubles,
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Making the Shift from Passive to Active...
Lovely colors! |
My family went down to beach over the weekend.
As much as I loathe going to beaches, I must admit that they can be quite beautiful...this is the view from our balcony...look at those blues and greens!
Artistic appreciation aside, I came to some important realizations over the weekend.
I realized that I need to assert a more active role in improving my life...
I realized that over the past few months, I've been quite passive about a lot of things. I've been ridiculously passive about trying to find a new car, I've been passive about getting my life and home more organized, and I've been passive about becoming happy.
Now, I'll say that I'm undoubtedly in a better place than a few months ago. I'm no longer wallowing in angst, self-loathing, and cynicism...but I'm not really trying very hard to keep those negative energies from affecting my daily life either.
By being passive, some facets of life have gotten better...sort of.
A few significant emotional wounds have reached that point where they are no longer painfully exposed and raw, but if I'm being honest with myself...they haven't actually gotten much better. Yeah, I'd reached a point where I'm no longer in gut-wrenching emotional turmoil over certain events [the break-up/engagement calling-off/moving-out of my ex, the whole fiasco with Mr. T, and so forth...] but those situations have improved as much as they're going to without any action on my part.
So, it's time for me to get off my butt and kick it into gear...nothing in life worth having comes easily, right?? [Or so I've read on Pinterest anyway...]
First step's first...
Loved this moon! |
I did some long needed purging on my phone. I finally deleted some text messages and emails that I've been hanging on to for far too long! I deleted some phone numbers and some pictures and, let me tell you, it felt darn great!
I have no idea how I thought I'd be able to move on from painful, poisonous stuff from my past if I couldn't even move on from having it at my fingertips. I have a tendency to be an emotional pack rat...which can be very detrimental to closing chapters and moving on in life.../shrug better late than never, I suppose.
What's in store for tomorrow?
Not quite sure...I haven't got this whole re-vamp thing figured out quite yet, but I'm going to! I'm going to make positive changes for myself because, well, I deserve it, damn it!
Finding Happiness,
Passive is Pointless
Swiffer Mops Suck...
Over the last couple of years I've lived in a handful of different apartments. Each place was a little bit different, but there was one thing that I kept relatively consistent: I used a Swiffer Vac and Swiffer Mop on the hard floors.
Looking back, I have no idea why I so stubbornly used the same products...they suck! [And not in the good way that you'd expect a vacuum cleaner should!]
Not too long ago, my mom loaned me a Shark steam cleaner thing [I don't know which model exactly...] and I finally got around to using it on my kitchen floor today...the difference is so great that I'd almost feel justified writing a letter to Swiffer demanding a refund!
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These things are great! |
My current apartment has some pretty heinous vinyl tiles in the kitchen. They're this terrible swirl of beige and grey...definitely wouldn't be my choice. For as long as I've been living here, I've always used a Swiffer vacuum to get all of the debris and such and then mopped with a Swiffer mop.
I will never use a Swiffer mop again.
The steam from the Shark cut through layers of residue from the Swiffer mop's cleaning spray...I had no idea that it even left that much residue! And I also discovered that there was quite the hefty deposit of dirt tracked in by the door. I'd Swiffer mopped the area often and it never I'd concluded that the vinyl was old and discolored...and I was wrong. Eww. /shudder
So if you've got the ability...go and get one of these Shark thingies for your hard floors! They're amazing!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Ow, Ow, Ow...
Today, I am in an excruciating amount of pain and it sucks!
Anybody want to come and cook dinner for me? I need a good, long rest...
Monday, October 20, 2014
Well, it's been quite the draining day.
I started off my morning with more dead car battery excitement...luckily, I have an awesome neighbor whose daughter is in kindergarten at the same school as my son...she saw my car dilemma and offered to take my kiddo to school so that he wouldn't be tardy. [Seriously, she's awesome!] And as I've mentioned before, I've got some terrible neighbors...and the rest of my neighbors were exactly the same as before. They're just.../sigh...can't say anything nice, so I won't say anything at all.
Work-wise, it was a pretty typical Monday. Catching up on things that were leftover from last week and dealing with the influx of new orders and revisions...
The whopper was my kiddo's 'report card.' His marks didn't improve since his progress report ['marks' is technically correct, right?] In some categories, he's done worse than he did before...
Now I know this isn't a tragedy...but I do also realize that this indicates that something needs to change otherwise he's going to think that it's perfectly fine to be the kid that doesn't pay attention in school.
So, yeah...
I'm sure it'll all be's just the getting to 'fine' that's not fun. At all.
Oh...still haven't tried the marmite or vegemite...they smell so terrible!
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What's that? Your car could use a jump? How sad.... |
Work-wise, it was a pretty typical Monday. Catching up on things that were leftover from last week and dealing with the influx of new orders and revisions...
The whopper was my kiddo's 'report card.' His marks didn't improve since his progress report ['marks' is technically correct, right?] In some categories, he's done worse than he did before...
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Right, right...Darth Vader is awesome... |
So, yeah...
I'm sure it'll all be's just the getting to 'fine' that's not fun. At all.
Oh...still haven't tried the marmite or vegemite...they smell so terrible!
Car Troubles,
Stupid Neighbors
Sunday, October 19, 2014
This video was posted on BuzzFeed a few weeks ago, but I just now got around to watching it. It's pretty darn funny...
Bonus: The guy in the video (pretty sure he's Eugene Lee Yang) is hilarious (as always) and undeniably handsome (again, as always). He's one of the producers at BuzzFeed and has a ton of videos...
The whole video is chuckle-worthy, at least...but wait until right around 1:46...I literally lol'd!
More posts later. Until then, Happy Sunday!
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Thank Goodness for Netflix...
Ever feel like you're just shouting into the void?
/sigh Don't know what I'd do without my Netflix...
Binge-watch more Supernatural? I think yes.
/sigh Don't know what I'd do without my Netflix...
Binge-watch more Supernatural? I think yes.
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At least Dean approves... |
Friday, October 17, 2014
So, I'm A Music Nerd, Too....
I know that I'm posting quite a bit today...slow day at work...
I was doing some meandering around the internet, looking for ideas for my new Tumblr page...I rediscovered these guys, and I love them!!
They're "The Piano Guys," and they've got a ton of videos up on YouTube, and a good many albums on iTunes and their website. [The Piano Guys]
I love that their music combines the piano and the cello, two of my all-time favorite instruments. I've always said that I'm going to learn how to play the cello one of these days...I've already found a place that rents cellos!!
Maybe I should make plans to go rent one sometime soon...
Music Nerd,
The Piano Guys,
I just created an account on Tumblr...mostly because I found a few decent INFJ-themed blogs that I thought might be worth following...and partly because, well, why not.
I have no clue how to set up my profile or what to do with it once I get it personalized...
I also have no idea how to go about finding anything that I'd like to follow...[The initial set-up process had me select 5 blogs out of about 15 pre-selected ones, and apparently I'm following them now...I think.]
So, ought to be interesting, at least. If I ever get the ball sufficiently rolling on my Tumblr account, I'll be sure to post updates and links here...for the time being, my Tumblr username is "bamapanda," look for me and add me if you'd like...
My Tumblr - bamapanda
Better yet, add me and then teach me how to use the site!
/sigh does my lack of insta-Tumblr savviness mean that I'm getting old?
I have no clue how to set up my profile or what to do with it once I get it personalized...
I also have no idea how to go about finding anything that I'd like to follow...[The initial set-up process had me select 5 blogs out of about 15 pre-selected ones, and apparently I'm following them now...I think.]
So, ought to be interesting, at least. If I ever get the ball sufficiently rolling on my Tumblr account, I'll be sure to post updates and links here...for the time being, my Tumblr username is "bamapanda," look for me and add me if you'd like...
My Tumblr - bamapanda
Better yet, add me and then teach me how to use the site!
/sigh does my lack of insta-Tumblr savviness mean that I'm getting old?
INFJ-ish Thoughts...
I saw this this morning when I was scrolling through my homepage on Pinterest and for some reason, it's stuck with me...
This phrase is undeniably thoughts wander back to some of the people who are no longer in my life. People who, at some point or another, I felt were integral parts of my life...people who I thought were permanent fixtures in my life, but clearly weren't.
Some memories bring to mind friends that I am truly sorry that I'm no longer close to...other memories bring that little twinge of pain/regret that I let someone have a negative effect on my life for as long as they did...
Either way, it's awe inducing to recollect the people that have come into, and gone out, our lives...
Or maybe I just spend too much time in my own head...[haha I never claimed to not act like the INFJ that I am..]
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Medication Costs...
I know that the healthcare system has been in the news an awful lot over the last couple of years...especially with all of the lovely government mandated changes. [Just.../sigh] I've got a personal experience that I'm gonna share, no worries, its not another soapbox rant...
Just a little over a month ago, my kiddo got sick and I had to take him to the pediatrician. After visiting with the doctor, he was given a prescription for an antibiotic and a school excuse for a couple of days just to make sure he felt well before going back to school. That afternoon, I went to one of the nearby pharmacies to pick up his medicines, I was shocked by how expensive they were...his antibiotic alone was over $120!! The antibiotics were generic (not name-brand) and fairly common, it wasn't some sort of rare medication that needed to be special ordered or anything like that. Isn't that outrageous?!?
Fast-forward to this morning...the kiddo is sick again. We went back to the same doctor and were prescribed the same medication (for a different ailment). I went to the same pharmacy, but now I've got a different insurance plan than I had during the previous pharmacy visit.
Care to wager a guess at how much the exact same medication cost me this time?
A whopping $5. Five friggin dollars!!
The 'take home' point of this whole ordeal?
Make sure you are educated on all of your healthcare options...not all plans are built the same, and certainly not all of them are affordable...
"Affordable Healthcare Act" my butt...
Care to wager a guess at how much the exact same medication cost me this time?
A whopping $5. Five friggin dollars!!
The 'take home' point of this whole ordeal?
Make sure you are educated on all of your healthcare options...not all plans are built the same, and certainly not all of them are affordable...
"Affordable Healthcare Act" my butt...
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Boredom...and Vegemite and Marmite....
One of the 'side effects' of being single is having an absurd amount of time on your hands.*
*Disclaimer: the amount of excess free time is purely relative.
Since I have no significant other vying for a piece of my already limited 'me time,' I've started looking into things for me to do simply because...well, it's what I want to do, darn it!
Sometimes, that leads me to do random things that are absolutely unnecessary...such as the venture that I am about to disclose...
Remember my last post? I'd written about some of the things that I'd done while visiting with my cousin...including cooking an absolutely fantastic batch of Galbi. In said post, I included a link to an article boasting "The World's 50 Most Delicious Foods" or something along those lines.
Also on that list was "warm buttered toast with Marmite," and I've been curious about it ever since...
I'd mentioned it to my sister, and we started looking up Marmite trying to figure out what it tasted like...seems as if the internet is definitively divided into those that love Marmite and those that loathe it. We even went so far as to read articles written about people trying it for the first time, and then their comparisons to Vegemite...
[From what I've learned, Marmite is British and Vegemite is Australian. Though they're similar products, they're certainly not the same...]
Despite the many, many articles on the web warning American palates to be wary of both of these spreads, I can't resist! My curiosity compels me to find out first-hand what these products are like...if for no reason other than simply knowing for myself...

This afternoon, the kiddo and I made a quick stop at my local World Market.
I was kind of surprised to learn that World Market regularly carries both of these products. I don't necessarily shop there on a weekly basis, but I'd say I shop there more than a dozen times a year...and I'd never noticed either of these on the shelves before, but I wasn't looking for them either.
I'm a little bit concerned about the jar of Vegemite...I found it one of the aisle end caps...the one designated for "Foods on Sale Because They're Nearing Their Expiration Dates!!" That's why the jar has that nice discount sticker on the label...I did check the date though, and it's says Oct 30, 2014...sooooo, it should still be okay, right?
I did try to find a jar on the regular shelves, but wasn't able to find a single one. [Wonder if that's an indication of the how much I should expect to like it...]
I'd originally planned on trying both of these out this evening, but I wound up getting in a dinner-time showdown with the kiddo and don't much feel like it anymore. I'll definitely be getting around to it soon though...after all, I've only got 15 more days of non-expired Vegemite goodness!
Have you tried either of these?
*Disclaimer: the amount of excess free time is purely relative.
Since I have no significant other vying for a piece of my already limited 'me time,' I've started looking into things for me to do simply because...well, it's what I want to do, darn it!
Sometimes, that leads me to do random things that are absolutely unnecessary...such as the venture that I am about to disclose...
Remember my last post? I'd written about some of the things that I'd done while visiting with my cousin...including cooking an absolutely fantastic batch of Galbi. In said post, I included a link to an article boasting "The World's 50 Most Delicious Foods" or something along those lines.
Also on that list was "warm buttered toast with Marmite," and I've been curious about it ever since...
I'd mentioned it to my sister, and we started looking up Marmite trying to figure out what it tasted like...seems as if the internet is definitively divided into those that love Marmite and those that loathe it. We even went so far as to read articles written about people trying it for the first time, and then their comparisons to Vegemite...
[From what I've learned, Marmite is British and Vegemite is Australian. Though they're similar products, they're certainly not the same...]
Despite the many, many articles on the web warning American palates to be wary of both of these spreads, I can't resist! My curiosity compels me to find out first-hand what these products are like...if for no reason other than simply knowing for myself...

This afternoon, the kiddo and I made a quick stop at my local World Market.
I was kind of surprised to learn that World Market regularly carries both of these products. I don't necessarily shop there on a weekly basis, but I'd say I shop there more than a dozen times a year...and I'd never noticed either of these on the shelves before, but I wasn't looking for them either.
I'm a little bit concerned about the jar of Vegemite...I found it one of the aisle end caps...the one designated for "Foods on Sale Because They're Nearing Their Expiration Dates!!" That's why the jar has that nice discount sticker on the label...I did check the date though, and it's says Oct 30, 2014...sooooo, it should still be okay, right?
I did try to find a jar on the regular shelves, but wasn't able to find a single one. [Wonder if that's an indication of the how much I should expect to like it...]
I'd originally planned on trying both of these out this evening, but I wound up getting in a dinner-time showdown with the kiddo and don't much feel like it anymore. I'll definitely be getting around to it soon though...after all, I've only got 15 more days of non-expired Vegemite goodness!
Have you tried either of these?
Monday, October 13, 2014
Korean Food and Crafts...
I had quite the eventful weekend...
The kiddo and I went to pay my cousin a visit. She and her family moved to Alabama earlier this year, which is pretty awesome! My family on my Dad's side are all pretty nearby, nothing more than a two-hour drive or so...but, my family on my mom's side is very scattered. I've got aunts, uncles, and cousins spread out all the way from Oregon to Florida! That being said, I was glad to hear that they were moving to Alabama...makes planning a visit much easier when it's just a few hours rather than trying to plan a trip out to Colorado! [I'd have loved to have visited Colorado, but traveling that far can get very pricey...even more so when you factor in traveling with a child!]
It was a good cousin and I decided to get a little crafty...
Check it out!
My cousin had mentioned that she wanted to add some autumn-y stuff to the front of her house [she already had some autumn garland and cute scarecrows] so we stopped by her local Hobby Lobby to see what we could find.
After a few minutes of staring at the tons of autumn/Halloween/Thanksgiving stuff, we decided to make a wreath...
That's the result! [The 'V' is for her last name, just in case you were wondering]
I know I'm not a professional wreath maker [is that even a thing?] but I thought it turned out rather well...I'm considering making one for my own door!
Another awesome thing about visiting my cousin? Korean food!
Donkatsu is the Korean version of Tonkatsu. It's a thin pork cutlet that is breaded in Panko and fried...served with rice, whatever veggies you like, and this amazing's a barbecue sauce, but with an Asian twist. Its hard to describe the sauce, but it tastes amazing! Here's a link to a recipe, just in case you're curious...
Donkatsu Recipe
I also made some Galbi. Whenever we make Korean food for friends/family, Galbi is the resounding favorite. Beef short ribs are marinated and then grilled...and then you have a plate full of awesomeness!
I just read that Galbi has been ranked as one of the "World's 50 Most Delicious Foods," so that's pretty cool...
[World's 50 Most Delicious Foods]
The food pictures are not mine, I didn't think to take pictures of the culinary awesomeness...bummer.
I've got to get back to work...more posts soon!
The kiddo and I went to pay my cousin a visit. She and her family moved to Alabama earlier this year, which is pretty awesome! My family on my Dad's side are all pretty nearby, nothing more than a two-hour drive or so...but, my family on my mom's side is very scattered. I've got aunts, uncles, and cousins spread out all the way from Oregon to Florida! That being said, I was glad to hear that they were moving to Alabama...makes planning a visit much easier when it's just a few hours rather than trying to plan a trip out to Colorado! [I'd have loved to have visited Colorado, but traveling that far can get very pricey...even more so when you factor in traveling with a child!]
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Woohoo!! |
Check it out!
My cousin had mentioned that she wanted to add some autumn-y stuff to the front of her house [she already had some autumn garland and cute scarecrows] so we stopped by her local Hobby Lobby to see what we could find.
After a few minutes of staring at the tons of autumn/Halloween/Thanksgiving stuff, we decided to make a wreath...
That's the result! [The 'V' is for her last name, just in case you were wondering]
I know I'm not a professional wreath maker [is that even a thing?] but I thought it turned out rather well...I'm considering making one for my own door!
Another awesome thing about visiting my cousin? Korean food!
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Donkatsu |
Donkatsu Recipe
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Galbi |
I just read that Galbi has been ranked as one of the "World's 50 Most Delicious Foods," so that's pretty cool...
[World's 50 Most Delicious Foods]
The food pictures are not mine, I didn't think to take pictures of the culinary awesomeness...bummer.
I've got to get back to work...more posts soon!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Help Needed...
I don't think it will come as a surprise to anyone...but being an adult sucks!!
[I guess I should rather say that being a responsible adult sucks...I guess adulthood wouldn't be so bad if you could float through it Peter Pan style...]
I've just about made up my mind to start looking for a second job.
It's simply expensive to run a household, even on the minimal level! Start adding in 'luxuries' like health insurance and you're looking at tacking on right at $500, easy. Then there's school stuff for the kiddo and everyday nuances like groceries and gas.../sigh... I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir...everyone knows that everything's expensive.
Looking at my monthly income and expenditures...there really isn't much more I can do with my current situation. [Just in case you're wondering, the Marvel Live! stuff from a few posts ago was all made possible by a tremendously generous grand-parental birthday gift...certainly wouldn't have been possible if it were coming out of my pocket...] I don't have any exuberant extras that I'm just dumping money into and there really isn't anywhere that I can make significant spending cuts.
[Wouldn't it be great if I could pull a US Government move here and just invent more money in my bank account? Call up my apartment's property manager and tell her that I won't be paying rent anymore because the funding needs to be used elsewhere and hey! /shrug/ there's nothing you could do about it! No hard feelings, right?]
Tangential government griping aside...
How do people do this?
I know that there are people with circumstances that, relatively speaking, are far worse than mine...I know that there are other single parents out there that work two or maybe even three jobs to make ends meet, but how?!
How am I supposed to have time to work two jobs and take care of my son??
I mean, it's just me. [Sometimes my dad will help out and pick him up from school for me, but it's usually because he's in the area doing work stuff and I'm at the office drowning in work stuff...] My son is not old enough to stay at home by himself yet, so looking at getting a night-shift job is really out of the question. And I can't really just drop the appraisal stuff to pick up something else...I'm pretty darn sure that there aren't any entry level jobs that I could get that would pay enough to keep my bills and rent paid and still leave me any money for food stuffs.
Here's the problem with being 'good' at a lot of things, but not good or experienced enough to get a job in any of those things.
Kids, do yourself a huge favor and never, EVER major in psychology. Never. Not even if you're planning on going into medical school. Pick engineering, pick business...hell, pick teaching! Anything that will give you a desirable, marketable skill...and not a piece of paper that amounts to virtually nothing despite the years of study and tens of thousands of dollars spent to earn said piece of paper.
Anybody out there have any ideas or advice? I'm in over my head here and could certainly use some help...
[I guess I should rather say that being a responsible adult sucks...I guess adulthood wouldn't be so bad if you could float through it Peter Pan style...]
I've just about made up my mind to start looking for a second job.
It's simply expensive to run a household, even on the minimal level! Start adding in 'luxuries' like health insurance and you're looking at tacking on right at $500, easy. Then there's school stuff for the kiddo and everyday nuances like groceries and gas.../sigh... I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir...everyone knows that everything's expensive.
Looking at my monthly income and expenditures...there really isn't much more I can do with my current situation. [Just in case you're wondering, the Marvel Live! stuff from a few posts ago was all made possible by a tremendously generous grand-parental birthday gift...certainly wouldn't have been possible if it were coming out of my pocket...] I don't have any exuberant extras that I'm just dumping money into and there really isn't anywhere that I can make significant spending cuts.
[Wouldn't it be great if I could pull a US Government move here and just invent more money in my bank account? Call up my apartment's property manager and tell her that I won't be paying rent anymore because the funding needs to be used elsewhere and hey! /shrug/ there's nothing you could do about it! No hard feelings, right?]
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/Sigh |
How do people do this?
I know that there are people with circumstances that, relatively speaking, are far worse than mine...I know that there are other single parents out there that work two or maybe even three jobs to make ends meet, but how?!
How am I supposed to have time to work two jobs and take care of my son??
I mean, it's just me. [Sometimes my dad will help out and pick him up from school for me, but it's usually because he's in the area doing work stuff and I'm at the office drowning in work stuff...] My son is not old enough to stay at home by himself yet, so looking at getting a night-shift job is really out of the question. And I can't really just drop the appraisal stuff to pick up something else...I'm pretty darn sure that there aren't any entry level jobs that I could get that would pay enough to keep my bills and rent paid and still leave me any money for food stuffs.
Here's the problem with being 'good' at a lot of things, but not good or experienced enough to get a job in any of those things.
Kids, do yourself a huge favor and never, EVER major in psychology. Never. Not even if you're planning on going into medical school. Pick engineering, pick business...hell, pick teaching! Anything that will give you a desirable, marketable skill...and not a piece of paper that amounts to virtually nothing despite the years of study and tens of thousands of dollars spent to earn said piece of paper.
Anybody out there have any ideas or advice? I'm in over my head here and could certainly use some help...
Help Me I'm Poor,
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Radio Silence...
Just a heads up to whomever might care...I'm off of the cell phone grid today, starting 15 minutes ago. You'll still be able to reach me by email if you need to get in touch with me, though. I'm planning on it being just a today I'm feeling particularly introverted today.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Dipper Hat!
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Dipper Hat and Marvel Live! T-Shirt. Yep! |
My "Dipper" hat came in yesterday!
I've got mixed feelings about this hat...
I think it's awesome because, well, it's a hat like Dipper's! I am a bit disappointed by the quality of the hat though. I ordered this one rather than any of the others listed on Etsy because it was a 'real,' six-paneled hat as opposed to a trucker-style hat. Also, the pine tree is embroidered rather than painted.
That being said...I had relatively high expectations for the hat quality-wise...especially when it came with a $29.99 (plus shipping) price tag. [Just about double the cost of any other Dipper hat listed!]
My Dipper hat, although 'nice,' is certainly not '$30 hat' nice. It's a cheap, flimsy hat...the sort that I'd expect you could buy at a gas station or touristy gift shop. The seller wasn't lying, it isn't a mesh-backed trucker hat...but it's just barely one step above a mesh-backed trucker hat.
To further my dismay, two days after I purchased my hat, the seller dropped the price to a much more reasonable $14.99.
I'd have far less to complain about if I'd only paid $14.99 for this hat. In fact, I'd probably be thrilled!
I'm pretty sure that there are no policies on Etsy requiring a seller to refund you the difference if there's a significant drop in listing price on an item that you've recently purchased, so I'm pretty sure I'd just be wasting time to even ask the seller about it...but I'm definitely planning on at least mentioning it when I leave a review/comment for the product. [I'm not 'allowed' to do so until tomorrow...grr.]
The kiddo and I are about to head out to one of the Halloween shops to see about getting his costume. This should be fun...I'll let you guys know how it goes!
Dipper Pines,
Gravity Falls,
Sunday, October 5, 2014
It's Just Poor Manners...
Very quickly, just going to mention a personal peeve of mine...
People should follow through with plans. Especially plans that involve another person.
And, if for some reason plans change, do consider the other person and let them know that plans have changed.
It's just poor manners to do otherwise.
People should follow through with plans. Especially plans that involve another person.
And, if for some reason plans change, do consider the other person and let them know that plans have changed.
It's just poor manners to do otherwise.
Marvel Universe Live! (Take My Money!)...
Marvel Live! |
Marvel Live! weekend was finally here!!
[I'd previously written about this...]
After a little debate on which showing to take my kiddo to see, I finally decided on one and was ridiculously stoked about the whole thing. Seeing my son truly, radiantly happy...I don't know how to explain what it does to brings me a sense of happiness that can't be rivaled by anything else. Nothing else. In those moments, nothing else matters. It doesn't matter that I had a 'bad day at work,' it doesn't matter that I've had three car accidents in one month, and it doesn't matter that I feel like I lose at the parenting game more than I win...none of it matters. In those moments when he's that sort of beaming pure innocence happy...I feel as if I'm not the terrible parent that I feel I must be at times.../deepbreath sorry, didn't mean to steer this post in that direction...
The show was fantastic! I loved it, my kiddo loved it, the kid and mom sitting next to us loved it! And I'm sure whomever receives the profits for the show really loved it. The tickets were 'holy crap' expensive...but to be fair, I didn't have to spring for the front row seats, but I wanted my kiddo to have the best experience possible. That being said, I'm going as a Marvel fan and a parent, here's some things that might be helpful for anyone who plans on seeing the show anytime soon...
The little doodad on the right is call a "Lectro Link" and there's an option to pre-pay for one if you order your tickets online prior to the show, but you could also buy one from one of the many vendor stands selling souvenirs before the show. This bad boy is $25. $25!!! At best, its a very cheaply put together plasticky watch with a few LED lights inside. The big sell point for these things is that they allow for direction interaction for the show...sounds awesome, right? It's not. At least it's not $25 worth of awesome.
At the beginning of the show, the Lectro Link is introduced as a way for everyone that had one to help power up Tony Stark's arc reactor if there should ever be a problem and his power begins to fail...but the whole premise is kind of ruined when Jarvis pipes up and say that the same effect could be achieved by being in close proximity to other devices such as cell phones and digital cameras. /eyeroll
Anyway. The stupidexpensivepieceofjunk lights up whenever Iron Man is in trouble and needs some help. It happens in the show exactly one time. One. And the whole thing was so brief, my kiddo didn't even notice that the thing had lit up by itself until it was turning off. Ridiculously underwhelming. So, parents, save your money. The day after the show, my son's stupid Lectro Link won't even light up anymore when you push the button. The batteries are replaceable, but I'm not going to start the vicious cycle of replacing them every 24 hours. Nope.
Why, hello Spiderman... |
As far as seating, I was surprisingly disappointed with my front row experience. I'd been hopeful for some amount of front row interaction with some of the show's characters, but there was none of that. Absolutely none. In fact, I think the only time any of the actors even pretended to pay the crowd any attention was after the show had concluded and they were bowing for their curtain call. I suppose that it's necessary in order to maintain the feel that the audience is watching a live-action comic I think it would have made a world of difference if they had some time for the actors to meet with the audience before or after the show...kind of like a pit pass sort of thing. Especially if the front row tickets are over $100 and I've just been ripped-off buying the stupid Lectro Link.
Another word of advice: if you have a child that is over the age of not waste your money sitting on the front row. In fact, I'd avoid the first 15 rows altogether.
Being too close to the stage allows for an up-close look at a lot of production details that small kids probably don't need to see. Sitting so close to the stage, the production staff was obviously visible whenever they needed to sneak in and change out a bit of equipment. Furthermore, from the front row, all of the actor's cables used for flying stunts were right in our faces. The 3 year old sitting next to us wasn't phased by any of this at all...but my kiddo spent a good bit of the show watching the production crew move equipment rather than watching the action that was supposed to distract from said equipment movement. So, save the money that would have been splurging on front row tickets and go ahead and get the more reasonably priced seats that are further from the stage.
All things considered, my son and I had an amazing time. As soon as the show was over, my kiddo was asking me if we could come back and watch it again the next, was worth every begrudgingly spent dollar.
And...I got this pretty sweet arc reactor necklace. Was it actually worth the $10 price tag? Nah. It doesn't light up, has a plastic clasp, and I'm pretty sure that it's sized for children rather than's an arc reactor necklace that has Marvel Live! emblazoned on the back! There was no was I was going to be able to walk away from that bad boy! [/sigh the perils of being a Marvel nerd...]
Thursday, October 2, 2014
5-minute Update...
5-minute post...go!
I'm still feeling...umm...unbalanced? Maybe unbalanced is a good word...I feel as if I'm a bit hyper-sensitive to things right now and that winds up manifesting in those darn things called feelings. [I cried while watching daytime TV during lunch today...that is not okay.]
Talked with my dad and sister a bit about the Ebola mess going on...that whole thing infuriates me. [see above. I'm probably over-reacting. Or maybe not...that whole situation is ludicrous and people are going to get sick, or worse, just because of other's stupidity/selfishness.]
Why are monograms everywhere? I thought they were cute...but seriously, they're everywhere.
Oh! I ordered the hat for my Dipper Pines costume last night! Still haven't gotten a shipping confirmation, so I'm a bit wary...but I'm super excited for the hat to get here!
And, finally...
Disney Infinity is going to be death of me [and my bank account].
Updates and explanations later!
I'm still feeling...umm...unbalanced? Maybe unbalanced is a good word...I feel as if I'm a bit hyper-sensitive to things right now and that winds up manifesting in those darn things called feelings. [I cried while watching daytime TV during lunch today...that is not okay.]
Talked with my dad and sister a bit about the Ebola mess going on...that whole thing infuriates me. [see above. I'm probably over-reacting. Or maybe not...that whole situation is ludicrous and people are going to get sick, or worse, just because of other's stupidity/selfishness.]
Why are monograms everywhere? I thought they were cute...but seriously, they're everywhere.
Oh! I ordered the hat for my Dipper Pines costume last night! Still haven't gotten a shipping confirmation, so I'm a bit wary...but I'm super excited for the hat to get here!
And, finally...
Disney Infinity is going to be death of me [and my bank account].
Updates and explanations later!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
I'm (Not) Okay...
Guys, I'm having an emotional break down. Definitely not good.
Generally speaking, things get better...don't they??
Generally speaking, things get better...don't they??
Possible Costumes
Now that it's October, I've been spending some time thinking about Halloween...
This year, I was thinking about giving another cartoon character a shot. The kiddo and I watch a lot of cartoons..a lot. [I'd like to say that I watch cartoons because of my son...but I'd be watching them even if I didn't have a child, soooooo yeah...what? I like cartoons!]
I've been trying to convince my kiddo that we should go dressed as Dipper and Mabel [if this were to happen, I'd of course let him be Dipper and I'd suck it up and be Mabel] but he's not really into the idea. Oddly enough, I got the exact same deadpan reaction when I presented the idea to my sister...
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Minecraft Zombies!! |
My kiddo changes his mind about his costume just about every other day...right now it's between dressing up as Venom or as a Minecraft zombie. I have no idea how the sudden interest in Minecraft zombies came to be, but I don't really mind it.
I haven't played much Minecraft, and when I did, it was the free version for the, yeah. I don't quite get the Minecraft hype, but maybe I'll get around to playing it one of these days.
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Rainbow Dash |
it was rather cute...I found a rainbow wig and then bought the costume set from Hot Topic [it came with a set of ears, wings, and a pin-on rainbow tail...]
The picture of the girl on the right is one of the pictures that I used as a source of ideas for my own rendition of the costume...but whereas her costume is really cool [there's another picture that shows the jacket more clearly...] my costume was rather hastily put together, and not as awesome. But, my kiddo loved it and we had a good time going trick-or-treating, so I still count it as a win!

One of the newest shows that we've started watching regularly is Disney's Gravity Falls. In my opinions, it's not always suitable for young children [it can have some pretty spooky moments], but as long as an adult is supervising, it's alright. It's kind of like Scooby-Doo but with a paranormal atmosphere. I started watching the show with my son mostly out of concern that the show was too scary for him, but then I got sucked into it, too! As new paranormal elements are introduced and expanded on, I talk to him about what's going on in the show and make sure he understands that it is, in fact, make-believe. It seems to have worked, so far...there hasn't been any waking up with bad dreams of gnome monsters or skin stealing shapeshifters...
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Dipper Pines |
I'm considering dressing up as Dipper Pines from the show. I think it'll be pretty easy to do and I've already found a few good cosplay costumes to use as a guide. [Just in case you're wondering why I'd choose to dress as Dipper and not his twin sister Mabel, the reason is two-fold. 1) I just cut my hair short, so it would be easier to be Dipper. 2) Mabel wears a lot of sweaters...I'd burn up! October still isn't really cold here in Alabama...]

I'm debating on whether it would be better to make my own hat or to buy one of the ones that I've found on Etsy...and where can I find one of those vests??
/shrug it's still a month before Halloween...I'm sure I'll be able to put it together.
What do you guys think? Does Dipper seem like a good choice?
Gravity Falls,
My Little Pony,
Rainbow Dash
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