Friday, October 17, 2014

INFJ-ish Thoughts...

I saw this this morning when I was scrolling through my homepage on Pinterest and for some reason, it's stuck with me...

This phrase is undeniably thoughts wander back to some of the people who are no longer in my life. People who, at some point or another, I felt were integral parts of my life...people who I thought were permanent fixtures in my life, but clearly weren't.

Some memories bring to mind friends that I am truly sorry that I'm no longer close to...other memories bring that little twinge of pain/regret that I let someone have a negative effect on my life for as long as they did...

Either way, it's awe inducing to recollect the people that have come into, and gone out, our lives...

Or maybe I just spend too much time in my own head...[haha I never claimed to not act like the INFJ that I am..]

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