*Disclaimer: the amount of excess free time is purely relative.
Since I have no significant other vying for a piece of my already limited 'me time,' I've started looking into things for me to do simply because...well, it's what I want to do, darn it!
Sometimes, that leads me to do random things that are absolutely unnecessary...such as the venture that I am about to disclose...
Remember my last post? I'd written about some of the things that I'd done while visiting with my cousin...including cooking an absolutely fantastic batch of Galbi. In said post, I included a link to an article boasting "The World's 50 Most Delicious Foods" or something along those lines.
Also on that list was "warm buttered toast with Marmite," and I've been curious about it ever since...
I'd mentioned it to my sister, and we started looking up Marmite trying to figure out what it tasted like...seems as if the internet is definitively divided into those that love Marmite and those that loathe it. We even went so far as to read articles written about people trying it for the first time, and then their comparisons to Vegemite...
[From what I've learned, Marmite is British and Vegemite is Australian. Though they're similar products, they're certainly not the same...]
Despite the many, many articles on the web warning American palates to be wary of both of these spreads, I can't resist! My curiosity compels me to find out first-hand what these products are like...if for no reason other than simply knowing for myself...

This afternoon, the kiddo and I made a quick stop at my local World Market.
I was kind of surprised to learn that World Market regularly carries both of these products. I don't necessarily shop there on a weekly basis, but I'd say I shop there more than a dozen times a year...and I'd never noticed either of these on the shelves before, but I wasn't looking for them either.
I'm a little bit concerned about the jar of Vegemite...I found it one of the aisle end caps...the one designated for "Foods on Sale Because They're Nearing Their Expiration Dates!!" That's why the jar has that nice discount sticker on the label...I did check the date though, and it's says Oct 30, 2014...sooooo, it should still be okay, right?
I did try to find a jar on the regular shelves, but wasn't able to find a single one. [Wonder if that's an indication of the how much I should expect to like it...]
I'd originally planned on trying both of these out this evening, but I wound up getting in a dinner-time showdown with the kiddo and don't much feel like it anymore. I'll definitely be getting around to it soon though...after all, I've only got 15 more days of non-expired Vegemite goodness!
Have you tried either of these?
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