Started off this morning with another lovely round of car troubles...I'd already made arrangements to pick up my sister after she'd dropped her car off at the mechanic. Well...her car didn't quite make it there...
Her battery had died [one of the several reasons she'd made an appointment to have her car fixed had to do with her batter not holding a charge] I think three times in all before we finally managed to get her car to the mechanic. Luckily, my dad had an appointment that put him in the same area at the same time as my sister's car troubles...I don't know how we managed to get it done without any injury, but we did! [This included one particularly daring mid-major road battery jumping!] Thank goodness for our awesome Dad and some too-good-to-be-coincidental timing!
Continuing with the mood of the seemed to have no trouble following suite. The work today wasn't particularly difficult...there was just tons of it. Sheer amount made the workload feel overwhelming. [And there's more of that to look forward to tomorrow...yay...]
After the kiddo and I finally got home this evening, I was looking forward to a nice, relaxing evening...maybe a pleasant evening at home would help temper the less than enjoyable day. Aaaand, I wasn't that lucky.
Some days, this parenting gig is too much to bear.

Some days...I just wish I wasn't doing this alone. [I very much appreciate any and all help I get from family members, so y'all don't take that statement as an offense, please]
I'm trying to figure out how to handle my kiddo forgetting how to properly count to 12. And he's looking right at a clock, too. It's literally a foot in front of his face. /siiiiiigggggh Guys...please pray for me to have the patience of a saint, 'cause I certainly don't have it right now...
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