Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I've Got Terrible Neighbors...

So, I've had a rather eventful day!

This morning, the kiddo and I were on our way to his school, as usual...and I was greeted with a humorously dead car battery. The battery was so dead, the radio didn't even so much as flicker when I tried to start the car. [Remember, it isn't even my car!]

In a quasi-panic, I called up my sister and asked her if she could take my son to school [my sister is not really a morning person...not at all!] and then I called my parents to see what they suggested I do to remedy the situation.

My dad suggested that I try to jiggle around the cables on the battery, thinking that maybe one of the cables had lost contact with the battery...he even recommended using a hammer to 'improve contact' if necessary...all this was being said as my dad was putting on his shoes to come to my rescue. [My dad really is the awesomest!]

So there I was, in the parking lot in front of my apartment building...hood up on the car, wailing on the battery cable connection with a hammer, and trying to assure my kiddo that everything was fine and 'no, you don't have to stay home from school just because the 'car is sick.'...

Here's what bothered me:

The whole time this scene was playing out, there were people all around me! Right before the hammering of the battery cable connection started, a young couple parked their stupid beige Camry right next to my distressed car...the girl went inside to fetch her friends, and the guy stayed...right by his car, which was less than 5 feet from where I was futilely attempting to resuscitate the poor car's battery.

Not once did said d-bag guy offer to help. He never even asked if I might need some help! Instead, he kept his eyes trained on his stupid phone probably losing at candy crush.

When the soccermomcamrydriving girl came back with her friends in tow, not a single one of them offered help or gave me even so much as a glance of concern over my vehicular distress.

They weren't the only ones, either. There were at least 5 others who merrily [or grumpily] got into their cars this morning and didn't even bat an eyelash at me and my car troubles this morning.

What a shame! What's the matter with people? Since when is it alright to not help someone when they're visibly in need?

Ugh. sister stepped up and helped in a huge way by taking my son to school and my dad brought jumper cables and brought the car back to life...all in all, the drama was relatively short lived. So, that's a bit of good news...

But seriously. I've got some a-hole neighbors, don't I?

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