Monday, October 13, 2014

Korean Food and Crafts...

I had quite the eventful weekend...

The kiddo and I went to pay my cousin a visit. She and her family moved to Alabama earlier this year, which is pretty awesome! My family on my Dad's side are all pretty nearby, nothing more than a two-hour drive or so...but, my family on my mom's side is very scattered. I've got aunts, uncles, and cousins spread out all the way from Oregon to Florida! That being said, I was glad to hear that they were moving to Alabama...makes planning a visit much easier when it's just a few hours rather than trying to plan a trip out to Colorado! [I'd have loved to have visited Colorado, but traveling that far can get very pricey...even more so when you factor in traveling with a child!]

It was a good cousin and I decided to get a little crafty...

Check it out!

My cousin had mentioned that she wanted to add some autumn-y stuff to the front of her house [she already had some autumn garland and cute scarecrows] so we stopped by her local Hobby Lobby to see what we could find.

After a few minutes of staring at the tons of autumn/Halloween/Thanksgiving stuff, we decided to make a wreath...

That's the result! [The 'V' is for her last name, just in case you were wondering]

I know I'm not a professional wreath maker [is that even a thing?] but I thought it turned out rather well...I'm considering making one for my own door!

Another awesome thing about visiting my cousin? Korean food!

Donkatsu is the Korean version of Tonkatsu. It's a thin pork cutlet that is breaded in Panko and fried...served with rice, whatever veggies you like, and this amazing's a barbecue sauce, but with an Asian twist. Its hard to describe the sauce, but it tastes amazing! Here's a link to a recipe, just in case you're curious...

Donkatsu Recipe

I also made some Galbi. Whenever we make Korean food for friends/family, Galbi is the resounding favorite. Beef short ribs are marinated and then grilled...and then you have a plate full of awesomeness!

I just read that Galbi has been ranked as one of the "World's 50 Most Delicious Foods," so that's pretty cool...

[World's 50 Most Delicious Foods]

The food pictures are not mine, I didn't think to take pictures of the culinary awesomeness...bummer.

I've got to get back to work...more posts soon!

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