Monday, September 15, 2014

Tiny Death Star...

Hey, guys! Hope you're having a good morning!

No more cough drops!??! 

I apologize for my lack of posts over the last several days...I've been rather occupied with some visiting family and trying my darnedest to kick the cold bug that's been bothering me. After going through almost two whole bottles of DayQuil, I think I've finally gained the upper hand and have even (/gasp!) started to feel a bit better! Crossing my fingers that I'm back to 100% very soon!!

What else has been going on lately...

Umm...oh! My Tiny Death Star has grown to over 25 floors!

I'm not terribly certain if that's an actual milestone or not...but it's something, right?

Tiny Death Star is a game that my sister downloaded on her phone to entertain my kiddo while she kept him for me for a few hours a week or so ago...and of course, I downloaded it onto my own phone later on that same night!

It's very time consuming and mildly entertaining...but when I'd told my sister of my Death Star exceeding 15 floors just before the weekend, she laughed and said that hers still had only 6 floors...bringing to light that I tend to my Death Star WAY more often than I probably should.

I can't help it, though! Every time I tend to my Death Star (replenishing stock in the various stores, collecting items from recon droids, rearranging the work/living situations of my captive 'bitizens'...) I receive a menacing notification from The Emperor sternly reminding me that some other floor or bitizen needs my attention...and it must be reconciled quickly before Darth Vader is made aware!


Maybe I should delete the game from my phone after all...I'm not going to let some tiny Sith lord push me around!

(Or maybe I'll just turn of my notifications! hehehe)

Well, I'd better go...Darth Vader has noticed that the Cantina has run out of food I've got lots of work to do!!

I said I wanted a LARGE french fry!!

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