Sunday, September 28, 2014

Learning to Love K-Pop...

I've recently decided to make more of an effort to embrace my Korean heritage. [For those of you who were mentally playing the "guess the ethnicity" game, that's the answer! Half Korean, half Alabama-grade white...]

Now, I don't want to be misunderstood...I've never 'not liked' my Korean heritage. Going to middle school and high school in a backwoods, country town with an Asian population of 2.5 [that's counting my mother and siblings...], it's rather easy to lose sight of how awesome Korean culture is.

Of my siblings, I remember the most about the years that we lived in Korea, simply because I'm the oldest. My brother doesn't remember much at all, but he was 1-3 years one point, he was actually fluent in both Korean and English! But of course, he doesn't remember any of it now, nor does he remember being able to speak Korean at all.../shrug oh well ^_^

So, taking baby steps into the whole ordeal...I've started to look into the musical phenomenon that is "K-Pop" music. [K-Pop music literally means "Korean pop music."]

This cat...I love him!!
It's huge. K-Pop can be to blame for bringing the annoying, albeit catchy, "Gangnam Style" to the radio waves.

No, worries...there are many, many other singers that you might like if PSY wasn't quite your fancy. It's a music movement that's been going on for years, so I'm playing catch up...but a few internet searches and BuzzFeed reads and I can already remember the names of at least half-a-dozen artists/bands...

Here's what I think I'm going to do...

I think I'm going to make it a goal of sorts to utilize this blog to become more familiar with the music that's being pumped out of...I don't know...what should I call Korea? My 'Motherland'? Bwahahahaha! That's's literally my Mother's land...

Anyway...[I'm tired, you'll have to look over my goofy randomness...]

Here's the first song that I'm going to post as definitely listen-worthy: Unbreakable - Kim Hyun Joong. I love the incorporation of some traditional Korean elements in his music video! And, it is now a life goal to learn how to paint a dragon like the one in this video...

Whatcha guys think? Anyone have any K-Pop recommendations?

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