Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cleaning and Depression...

Hey guys, hope you're having a fantastic Sunday morning...

I've made it my mission to get some serious cleaning accomplished today. Between working and parenting/entertaining my kiddo, it seems to me that clutter tends to accumulate way too living room can go from company host-worthy presentable to "what happened in here?!?" in about two afternoons!

Truthfully, I don't mind cleaning all that much. I actually sort of like it! I think it's because cleaning is a task that renders immediate results...I know that if I put, say, an hour's worth of effort into cleaning up clutter, that within that hour, the clutter will be gone. Much, much more gratifying than other exercise. I can exercise for an hour a day, and it would be weeks before there are any noticeable changes. Weeks! /, yeah...lots of cleaning will be done today.

Plus, keeping a 'clean home' does wonders for helping to combat depression. I know myself, and I know that on my personal depression scale, I'm doing okay right now...but, I know what's coming.

I know that I'm a few 'bad days' away from hitting some potentially dark lows, and for the sakes of myself, my kiddo, and my family...I need to try and stave the beast off. I've learned the hard way that nothing truly good ever comes from my bouts of depression and I owe it to the people that care about me to put some effort into managing my depression.

I know that the concept of [ decluttered house = decluttered mind ] might sound far-fetched to some that aren't familiar with the idea, but I promise that it's an actual phenomenon.

How Keeping A Clean House Helps Depression

There are several articles on it floating around the internet, here's the link to one of them. Check it out!

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