Thursday, September 25, 2014


As I'm sure you guys have probably noticed, I have a tendency to binge-watch absurd amounts of a TV show for a couple weeks at a time... [If you've been following my blog, you've seen me go through Naruto, Arrow, and Fairy Tail phases already] My current television obsession??

I know this show has been around for a good while, the 10th season is set to start up on October 7...the 10th season!! [Do you know how many episodes of Supernaturally-charged goodness that means I get to watch?!?]

Over the years, I've dated a couple of guys who were really big on following the show, but I never really watched it myself. Now that I'm watching it, I can't help but wonder why I haven't been watching all along. I mean, it's a show with ridiculously handsome men, other-worldly baddies, ridiculously handsome men, one bad ass Impala, and ridiculously handsome men.

Did I mention the ridiculously handsome men??

Dean Winchester [Jensen Ackles] is currently my favorite...he's the older of the two brothers and has the most bewitching green eyes on the planet. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a good looking dude with a bad ass car...

Then, there's Dean's younger brother, Sam [Jared Padalecki]. I'm pretty sure this picture is from an earlier season of the show...his hair seems to get longer with each season. He isn't smiling in this picture, but he's got dimples that are just about the cutest thing that I've ever seen!

Fangirl swooning aside, it's a really good show. I'm only 4 seasons in, and I've seen the show tackle some pretty intense topics [family relationships, faith, loyalty, hidden agendas...]. Thanks to the aforementioned ex's, I'm vaguely familiar with the main storyline up until about season 6...but I'm trying my best to watch the series all the way through without skipping too much.

They're just adorable :)
If you haven't watched the show, I recommend that you do.

If you're like me and are/were harboring some sort of nonsensical reason to abstain from the show, stop. Stop being silly and watch the show. It's awesomeness greatly surpasses whatever nasty former relationship thoughts/feelings that it might conjure up.

If you like the show, leave me a comment/send me an email/contact me through psychic means...we should be friends!

I know that I've left a lot of amazing characters and actors/actresses out of this post, but it's only because the post would be forever long if I tried to mention all of the awesomeness...besides...I've still got 4 more seasons left on Netflix, season 9 to find on DVD, and then season 10 starts in about a week...there will be more Supernatural posts. It's inevitable.

That's a video of Dean/Jensen singing to Eye of the Tiger...not even gonna try and deny it, it's in this post just for me ;) 

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