Friday, September 12, 2014


Hey, guys...

So...many..cough drops...
This cold/allergies/virus/energysuckingplague is kicking my butt...I've been steadily losing Round 2 with what I thought was the same 'bug' that I had about a week or so ago...but now I'm not positive that it's the same bug at all. I'm starting to think that it's some ridiculously mutated version of itself and it's been running amok all over my respiratory system.

I finally gave up and bought some Day-Quil yesterday, and it seems to be helping a little bit...but I'll be glad whenever I finally get over this crud! Crossing my fingers that I can get well without giving the bug to my kiddo...

Some awesome news! My college roomie, and one of my dearest friends, had her first baby! I'm super excited for her, maybe even ridiculously so...she's the first of my friends to have a baby (I don't have any nieces or nephews either, yet...but that's really okay, I'm the oldest of my siblings anyway!) and I'm genuinely stoked!! I got a pictures of the little darling yesterday and I can't wait until I have a chance to go visit them! Road trip to Louisiana sometime in my near future? Yes, please!

Speaking of road trips...

I guess a car is a rather necessary component of a road trip to anywhere...I'm still dealing with an unresolved lack of car, but thankfully the battery issue with my borrowed one seems to be handled. I've come to the conclusion that the battery died due to the interior light being left on...a rather /facepalm sort of situation, but at least I don't have to replace the car battery just yet.

Okey dokey, I'm going to find some sort of hot beverage that will, hopefully, make me feel a little bit better...happy Friday!

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