Sunday, September 28, 2014

Stupid Monkeys....

Sunday greetings to you all! I hope you're all having a great day so far...

I'm sitting at home with my kiddo debating on when to leave to go help one of my best friends with moving/getting situated at his new apartment. He's been moving all weekend, and I'm really hoping that he gets everything all wrapped up either today or tomorrow...moving sucks. Even more so when people that have given you a verbal commitment to help back out of said commitment and leave you hanging...[that's what's happened to my buddy...and it isn't the first time either...I think I'm going to have to strongly suggest to him to make better friends...] 
Monkeys Are Creepy.../shudder

How does that saying go? "Not my circus, not my monkeys" or something like that. I'm not crazy about the idea of going to help, but I talked to him earlier today and he sounded quite distraught about the whole ordeal...soooo, SuperTammy to the rescue! Again. 

This leads me to another concept that I find simply baffling. 

Why is it that so many people seem to be alright with the notion of being un-dependable? This issue is just the tip of the proverbial 'why people suck' iceberg...but, c'mon. If you tell someone that you're going to help with something, then do so! It seems like there are fewer and fewer reliable people...

/siiiiiiiiigh...okay, I've got to get myself and my kiddo ready to go help out...more posts to come later...

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