Friday, December 29, 2023

New Blog Link

 Years ago, I said I would post a link to a new blog, if I started one...

Since then, I've had 2 1/2 blogs and never posted the link. Not sure why...

I'm sharing the link to one of them! If you visit it, you'll notice that I haven't maintained it very well. At all. But, I will use that one if I do write any new posts. 

Actually, I just finished a new post! Maybe check it out, if you want ^_^

Hope all is well, I've missed this blog more than I realized...

Friday, September 9, 2016

Completion [?] Also, Goat.

This goat...he gets me.
For various reasons, it's been months since my last post...

I'd given a lot of thought into letting blogging go entirely...or deleting this one and starting a new one...[which, if I'm being honest, I may end up doing either despite this post...]

Now, if you've found this post, welcome! Since I no longer have an active google+ profile, I'm not entirely sure how you've found it....but it's awesome that you did!

However, at this point....I can't promise that there will be many [or any] more posts here :/ But feel free to check back occasionally, if you'd like.

If I do decide to continue blogging on a new blog, I'll be sure to leave some mention of it here ^_^ 

Hope to be seeing you guys again one day ^_^ 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

More Videos!!

Hey guys!!

If you happen to remember, in my previous post I'd mentioned that the boyfriend and I were going to put together a little 'introduction' video for our new YouTube channel....

Well, we made said video and uploaded it last night!

It's not super long, but it quickly goes over what sort of videos to expect on our channel.

Bonus: if you've been a reader of my blog and ever wondered what me and my boyfriend looked/sounded like, now you'll know!

It's a brand new channel, so there isn't a ton of content uploaded yet...but I'm sure we'll be adding more videos soon! I've got a couple of my boyfriend reacting to various 'big' Game of Thrones scenes that I plan to upload by the end of the week...

So, yeah...

Please do check us out and if you like the video and think you'll like the sort of stuff that we'll post, please subscribe!

P.S. - Isn't my boyfriend just the cutest?!? ^_^

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Moving, Vacations, and YouTube...

Hey guys!!

I know it's been forever since I last posted, my apologies. There's been quite a lot going on for me lately and I hadn't managed to find the time to write any new posts [and if I'm being honest, I just hadn't really felt like posting much...] but, no worries...because I'm back!

Hmmm...I wonder what all could have been going on?

Well, moving, for starters. At the beginning of June, I moved into new apartment that's in the same complex I've been living in for the last year or so...want to know something that feels like an absolute exercise in futility? Having to pack up all of your stuff just to move it across a parking lot....yep, tons of fun. But, luckily, I had lots of help from my spectacularly fantastic boyfriend ^_^ Seriously though, without his help, the move wouldn't have gone nowhere near as smoothly as it did. Which brings me to another new development...

Not that I think my boyfriend wouldn't have helped me out anyway, but there was a huge contributing factor that I haven't mentioned yet...

We've officially moved in together :)

Things have been going really well, so far....and I'm sure that they'll continue to do so, he and I get along really well and make an awesome team <3 [I love you, HoneyBear!]

Also, the boyfriend, kiddo, and I got to spend some time at the beach! We went down to Panama City Beach about 2 weeks ago and got a few extremely needed days to relax. Aaaand, I managed to get a bit of a tan! [Kind of a big deal since I hardly ever spend time in the sun]

And that brings me to the last little update that I wanted to tell you guys about:

I'm on YouTube!! The boyfriend and I have started up a YouTube channel ^_^

As of right now, we aren't exactly sure what direction we want our channel to take...but we're thinking it'll probably be where we post videos of us gaming and being nerds, in general. We're planning on uploading an official 'introduction' video sometime this week, but we've already posted a video for you guys to check out!

***Spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't seen this week's Game of Thrones episode...(season 6, episode 9)...and for the love of all the old gods and the the episode!!***

Our first video is of us watching the death of Westeros' most hate-worthy boyfriend's reaction is definitely more entertaining than mine [unless you like muppet-esque frowns!]...

Well, there's the video! Please like it and subscribe to our channel...we'll have more content loaded up soon ^_^

Okay, that's all I've got for now...hope you guys have a good day!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Warning: May Cause Nausea...

Hey guys! Hope you're having a good week so far...

I intend to write a 'full-length' post this week, but I just wanted to write a quick one to say this:

My boyfriend is amazing.

He's truly a great guy and he makes me want to be better, everyday.

He gets me. And that's no simple feat...

I feel as if he knows me better than I know myself...

And I'm so very lucky to be able to say he's my boyfriend ^_^

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Awesome Music...

Sooooo, I'm just going to start of by saying that Pentatonix show was absolutely phenomenal!!!

Mitch and Scott took this from the stage...

Their concert was, hands down, my favorite that I've ever been to! From the second that they took the stage, I was entertained and as happy as a bird with a french fry. [Which is pretty darn happy!]

Excited faces ^_^
And, as if things couldn't get any better than getting to see Pentatonix, imagine my surprise when they did get better!

How? Well...

My sister called into one of the local radio stations and ended up winning a pair of 4th row tickets! Which she then turned around and gave to me because she's awesome like that! ^_^ [And she's really not that into Pentatonix...which I don't fully understand, but it worked out really well for me!]

I mean, I still would have been thrilled to see them from the seats that I'd bought...but, 4th row?!? How awesome is that!!! At times, we were less than 50 feet away from them!

As I'd thought, they performed their original songs from the new album for the majority of the show...but they did bring back a few of their cover songs...and, of course, I aptly freaked out and went on and on about how awesome they were and how many times I'd seen that video on YouTube...

I took a few pictures and videos during the show, but I refused to spend the whole time watching the concert through my phone's camera...sooooo, I didn't end up with nearly as many pictures as you would have thought. Here are a few of them, though!

Bottom line: If Pentatonix is coming anywhere that's remotely driving distance near you...go see them!! It's a great show and you definitely wouldn't regret it! ^_^

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Random Things...

Writing out a quick post while I'm at I thought that I'd just post about some random things and a few updates about what all is going on...

- I've decided that laundry is the most deplorable household chore, ever. I mean it. EVER. Now, some of you will probably disagree with me...and, I hate to say it, but you're wrong! Laundry is the bane of my existence! [ of several banes....] It's not that it's an inherently difficult chore...quite the contrary...laundry is probably one of the simplest household tasks. But it just never stops. Never! I feel like as soon as I manage to empty the dirty clothes hamper, it's instantly full again! Uggggghhhh.

- Few things are as painful as stepping on a lego with bare feet. This is new news to no one, I'm sure...but, yeah. That mess hurts.

- I went with the boyfriend to an airsoft arena over the weekend. [Arena? Is that the proper word for it? Not sure...but it's a place where people go to 'play' airsoft...] Not ever having been to anything like that before, I wasn't sure what to expect...but the place looked pretty cool. [Here's the link to their Facebook page, if you'd like to check it out...] I didn't play, soooo I was rather bored [my own fault, really] but the boyfriend said that he had a pretty good time, once he got the basics of gameplay and got equipment that worked properly. Not sure if airsoft is going to end up being my thing, but I think I might try it next time we go.

- I'm soooooo stupid excited about the upcoming season of Game of Thrones! [Quick search for promo images didn't turn up anything that wouldn't be some sort of spoiler.../sigh] I've been re-watching all of the show with the boyfriend...[he hadn't seen past season 1!] Right now, we're about half-way through season I'm really hoping we can finish it up before the new stuff starts!

- Have you guys seen the Batman vs. Superman movie yet? No? Don't.

Yeaaaahhhh, Definitely Not My
- I've just about decided that I'm going to stop spending money on video games and on DVDs/Blu-Rays unless I know for certain that I'm going to play or watch them within a week of buying them...I just realized how much money I must have wasted on movies that I haven't watched yet [and, very likely, never will] and on games that I haven't played and don't really have much desire to start. It's probably more money than I actually want to try and calculate.../smh

- There's about 2 months left of my lease at my current apartment.../sigh I don't wanna move again...moving is such a pain.

- Pollen is disgusting. I know that most people looooovvvve spring, but I'm seriously ready for it to pack its bags and GTFO.

- Spell check is a glorious, simple tool that's readily available in many, many programs....for the love of feigning intelligence...please use it.

Okay, I think that should do for now...hope you guys are having a good week! Will try and post again soon!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Fangirling Imminent...

Remember several months ago when I kept posting about Pentatonix? [Here's one such post, and here's another...just in case you didn't remember]

Can't Wait to See These Guys!
They're finally coming to Birmingham!!

A few months ago, I bought tickets to see them in concert...and the concert is next weekend!

[Please excuse me...fangirling all over the place right now...]

I cannot wait to see them perform in person...they're so awesome! I was listening to some of their stuff again this morning and I'm still blown away by how talented they are!

Now, I'll admit...I kind of wish I'd gotten to see them before they've gotten as 'big' as they are now. [My thought is that their performance would probably be more...ummm...authentic than it might be now...but, then again...I have been guilty of being cynical on occasion...] I'm not quite as fond of their original songs as I am of their covers...and with this tour being after the release of their latest album [which is mostly originals, I think], I'm guessing that they'll be performing more of their original work than they did on previous tours. 


Oh well /shrug

I'm pretty darn sure that the show will be fantastic, regardless of whether they're singing originals or covers...I mean, they could sing me 'itsy bitsy spider' and I'd be thrilled!

I'll definitely be sure to let you guys know how it goes!

Aaaaand, just a small heads up to my boyfriend...I kind of sort of have this massive crush on Avi....sooooo, please excusing my drooling ahead of time...[Kidding! Well....mostly....hehehe]

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Soooo, there's this guy, and he's pretty incredible...

He's genuinely kind-hearted [I've seen him go seriously out of his way just to do something nice for someone else]...

He's super thoughtful [he's always finding ways to let me know that I am appreciated, loved, and wanted...which, I'll admit, is certainly a first for me!]

He's there for me. Undeniably so [I know that I can count on him to be there for me...he's not someone that I feel like I'll ever have to wonder about being around when I need him...and, sadly, that's a rare quality to find in people. Because, generally speaking, people suck!]

He's way fun to be around [I am seriously always having a blast when I'm with him! Now, please don't mistakenly think that this means that we're constantly going out and doing 'fun' stuff...I truly enjoy just being in his company...even when all we're doing is sitting together and talking...which we do quite often ^_^ ]

Truth be told, there are many, many reasons why I love my boyfriend...I could try and compile them all into one epically mushy blog post, but  I'm pretty sure I would run out of words before I could finish the post. Some things/feelings simply can't be done justice by words....well, by my words anyway....I'm definitely not a poet!


I do hope that he knows all of the mushy feelings that I have for him...even if I'm not always the best at putting them into words...

Because, he's incredible. And I love him, so very much.


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

What's The Secret???

How do working parents have time to do anything?

Work from 8 am until 2-4 pm [depending on the work load...]. Super fantastic commute of about 45 minutes...can take over an hour if traffic is particularly heinous.

Once I get home, I've got to figure out what to do for dinner and get the kiddo going on his homework. If I get to leave work around 2 pm, then there's usually some time for me to get some stuff done around the apartment or for me to take a quick shower...but this is really more the exception than the norm.

Around 5pm, I start cooking dinner [if I haven't already started]...and I try and have it finished by 5:45 - 6 pm.

From 6 pm until about 7 pm, I'm either cleaning, running errands, or attempting to entertain the kiddo. If I'm lucky...the boyfriend and I will get to play some sort of child-friendly video game for a little bit....usually some game that the kiddo likes to play or watch...

7 pm to 8 pm is time for the kiddo's shower/bath, getting things together for the next school day, and getting ready for bedtime.

Around 8 pm is the kiddo's bedtime...after reading him a story and all that good stuff, it's pretty much 8:30 pm.


Most weekday mornings, I get up somewhere between 5 - 6 I'm dragging butt if I don't get to sleep before 11:30 pm.

Maybe I'm just not making the most of the time between the kiddo's bedtime and my own...but it sure doesn't feel like enough time to get anything accomplished!

Sooooo, there's the basic timeline of my weekday....

Any suggestions on how I should tweak it? Or is the real secret that working parents don't ever acutally do anything fun and they just pretend to?? /ponders