Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Random Things...

Writing out a quick post while I'm at work...so I thought that I'd just post about some random things and a few updates about what all is going on...

- I've decided that laundry is the most deplorable household chore, ever. I mean it. EVER. Now, some of you will probably disagree with me...and, I hate to say it, but you're wrong! Laundry is the bane of my existence! [Well...one of several banes....] It's not that it's an inherently difficult chore...quite the contrary...laundry is probably one of the simplest household tasks. But it just never stops. Never! I feel like as soon as I manage to empty the dirty clothes hamper, it's instantly full again! Uggggghhhh.

- Few things are as painful as stepping on a lego with bare feet. This is new news to no one, I'm sure...but, yeah. That mess hurts.

- I went with the boyfriend to an airsoft arena over the weekend. [Arena? Is that the proper word for it? Not sure...but it's a place where people go to 'play' airsoft...] Not ever having been to anything like that before, I wasn't sure what to expect...but the place looked pretty cool. [Here's the link to their Facebook page, if you'd like to check it out...] I didn't play, soooo I was rather bored [my own fault, really] but the boyfriend said that he had a pretty good time, once he got the basics of gameplay and got equipment that worked properly. Not sure if airsoft is going to end up being my thing, but I think I might try it next time we go.

- I'm soooooo stupid excited about the upcoming season of Game of Thrones! [Quick search for promo images didn't turn up anything that wouldn't be some sort of spoiler.../sigh] I've been re-watching all of the show with the boyfriend...[he hadn't seen past season 1!] Right now, we're about half-way through season 5...so I'm really hoping we can finish it up before the new stuff starts!

- Have you guys seen the Batman vs. Superman movie yet? No? Don't.

Yeaaaahhhh, Definitely Not My
- I've just about decided that I'm going to stop spending money on video games and on DVDs/Blu-Rays unless I know for certain that I'm going to play or watch them within a week of buying them...I just realized how much money I must have wasted on movies that I haven't watched yet [and, very likely, never will] and on games that I haven't played and don't really have much desire to start. It's probably more money than I actually want to try and calculate.../smh

- There's about 2 months left of my lease at my current apartment.../sigh I don't wanna move again...moving is such a pain.

- Pollen is disgusting. I know that most people looooovvvve spring, but I'm seriously ready for it to pack its bags and GTFO.

- Spell check is a glorious, simple tool that's readily available in many, many programs....for the love of feigning intelligence...please use it.

Okay, I think that should do for now...hope you guys are having a good week! Will try and post again soon!

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