I hope you all had a fantastic weekend...I had a pretty great one, myself! Didn't really get around to doing anything super exciting [spent most of the weekend on some sort of sinus/cold medicine...hooray for sickness...], but it was a good couple of days, nonetheless.
I don't have a whole lot of time to write out a post right now, so....'quick thoughts' it is!!

- I am super, super excited about the upcoming Deadpool movie! Definitely not going to be a 'superhero' movie that's suitable for kiddies [my kiddo is not happy about this lol]...but the trailers look pretty amazing! I'm so glad that there's going to be a chance for Deadpool to be redeemed, as far as movies are concerned...he wasn't given the attention that he deserved, in my opinion anyway, when he was in whichever X-Men movie...[X-Men:20? 25? There's been so many of them, I can't keep up...] He's a great character with an incredible back-story...can't wait to see how they bring him to life in the movie!
- Speaking of movies, the boyfriend and I went to see The Revenant...aaaaaand, meh. I really wanted to like the movie...really. But, at about the 2-hour mark, I found myself wishing that the movie would end soon. From a cinematic stance, the movie is spectacular! Buuuuut, as a casual moviegoer..../shrug. I wouldn't recommend seeing it in theaters unless you've got 3 hours to kill and you love colonial period movies.

- Finally, I'm going to brag on my boyfriend for a little bit...[super sappy subject disclaimer!]
I know that everyone says that their boyfriend/girlfriend/whateverelseticklesyourfancy is the 'best ever'....but my boyfriend really is! He's one of the most kind-hearted and thoughtful people that I've ever met...I would consider myself super-fortunate to have him in my life in any capacity...I mean, even just as a friend, I know he would make my life better. However, I somehow managed to be fortunate enough to have him in my life as more than just a friend...somehow, for whatever reason, this incredible man loves me <3 [Crazy, right?] I could go on forever gushing about how fantastic he is and all the warm fuzzy feelings that he gives daily ^_^
Ummm....well, looks like I've run out of immediate, writable thoughts...will post again soon!
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