Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Lent, Revised...

Good morning, guys...

Sooooo, I've got a confession to make...

Don't Look At Me...I'm Disgusting! :(
Remember how I'd said I'd given up sodas for lent? Well...due to an excessive number of headaches [which I am attributing to the drastically lower caffeine amounts in my system], I am changing my lenten commitment. Instead of sodas, [ugh, this is embarrassing] I'm going to be giving up fast-food breakfasts. It's not that I have fast-food breakfast every day...but, if I'm being honest, I have them far more often than I should...and I always want to stop and get one when I'm driving past all of the terrible fast-food places. So, yeah...there it is...you guys now know one of my dirty little secrets...[pardon me while I go crawl in a hole and die...]

Now that that's out of the way...I've come to realize that I've been drinking waaaaaay too much soda...[which is something that I already knew, anyway] this has been made especially more apparent by the almost constant caffeine withdrawl headaches that I've been having. So. My soda drinking habits have got to change...but, I'm going to go with a tapering down on the amounts that I'm drinking rather than just cutting it out abruptly. Hopefully, this will ease up and lessen the amount of headaches!

Let's see....what else has been going on that I've been meaning to post about???

World of Warcraft, the Deadpool movie, and...umm...I'm sure there are few other things...

Unfortunately, I don't have time to include them in this post...but I will hopefully have time to get to those topics later on this week.

Hope you guys have a good day! Check back soon for more posts!

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