Monday, February 22, 2016

Weekend Adventures....

Good morning, guys...

I hope you all had a great weekend...I certainly did! [Not to brag or anything...]

This past weekend, the kiddo and I went to Mississippi with the boyfriend for his family's annual reunion ^_^

We had a blast!

This year, they held the reunion at a plantation turned hunting was a really nice place...I wish I had taken a picture of the plantation's proving harder to find a picture of it online than I'd thought it would be...

I'll admit, I was pretty nervous about meeting the boyfriend's extended family [probably no surprise there! /chuckle], but they were all super nice...I felt comfortable around them pretty much immediately, which is a huge thing for me! [Gotta love being socially anxious, right?]

And, aaaaaand, as if the weekend wasn't going fantastically kiddo had sooooo much fun! There was another boy there around the same age and they were inseparable buddies...he enjoyed playing so much that he's already asking when the next reunion is!
Me And The Boyfriend <3

Soooo, yeah /grin

I had a great weekend with two great guys....gotta say, I'm definitely one lucky girl!

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