Thursday, February 11, 2016


Good morning!

Hope you guys are having a good Thursday...I'm doing alright, so far.

It's Lent season now, and I've decided to give up sodas...which isn't going to be terrible, but I'm not really super thrilled about it. [Here's where I need to mention that I've got a bit of an...umm...attachment to carbonated beverages. If I had to estimate, I'd say that roughly 25% of my blood stream is made up of Diet Coke....yeah, yeah, I know it 'isn't good for me'....]

Click here to read an article on Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent...I know that a lot of people aren't familiar with it, and the article does a pretty good job of explaining the basics.

Wish me luck guys...I hear that caffeine withdrawl headaches can be brutal. :(

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