Friday, May 1, 2015

Memes, Avengers, RDJ, Comics, and Star Wars...

Yeah, okay...I bet Justin Timberlake hates these memes, my apologies...

But, yes, it is the first day of May...and it's also a very exciting day for Marvel fans! [Maybe not so much, if you aren't a fan of the Avengers movies...]

Avengers: Age of Ultron premiers for us non-celebrity Americans today...needless to say, the kiddo and I are ridiculously excited about the movie! He and I are huge fans of the Avengers franchise...we've seen all of the movies and own more toys and comics than we probably should.

I mean, who doesn't love superhero movies? [The kiddo and I most certainly do!] And the Avengers movies present an opportunity to see half-a-dozen of our favorite heroes at the same time! Iron Man is always going to be a favorite of mine and my kiddo is a big fan of the Hulk [with Captain America and Thor coming in as close favorites, as well]...
RDJ will always be a favorite of

Along with all of the Avenger-y goodness, tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day! So, look up your local comic book store [or 2nd and Charles] and see what kind of stuff they've got going on to celebrate...who knows, you may end up with some pretty cool stuff...for free!

One more thing!

Some places [my local 2nd and Charles, for one] are observing May 4th early, and hosting their activities and such on Saturday. What's the deal with May 4th?

Well...*ahem* "May the Forth" be with you!

Hehehehe...nerd stuff, for the win. Always. [See what I did there? Of course you did... /grin]

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