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***Using this adorable GIF as a buffer image... last warning before spoilers*** |
- Any episode that includes Ned Stark in the recap is going to be a doozy...remember that! [The North remembers. You should, too.]

- Doesn't matter how many episodes he's going to be in, to me, the High Sparrow is always going to be Governor Swann. Yep. That's just how it is.
- I never really cared for Ser Loras that much, but even I am genuinely frightened for him in this scene...especially just having seen how the faith militant reserved special treatment for those of Loras' persuasion while emptying out Littlefinger's brothel...and they seriously have symbols carved into their faces!! Carved! /sigh Poor Loras...
- Guess who isn't exactly happy to hear about her brother being imprisoned...and guess who has to try and 'fix' the terrible mess...
All drama aside, I feel the need to comment on how fantastic Margaery's hair is! Her curls are beautiful! Sometimes I think that maybe I should let my naturally curly hair grow out like hers...and then I remember that I don't have a hair stylist and makeup crew...no one could pay me any amount of money to grow my hair out as long as hers...if that sounds like an outlandish statement, then you haven't endured an Alabama summer!

- This episode gets a notable mention for being the most hilarious about Jaime and his one-handedness. While it does suck that he's lost a good portion of his fighting ability [he was quite a
formidable opponent, before], it is rather chuckle-worthy to see Jaime remind Bronn that he can't help with boat rowing or hole digging. Those are two-handed jobs, after all. The icing on the cake is when his false hand saves his life in a sword fight while on the beaches of Dorne...pretty darn funny, all things considered.

- We are treated to another scene of watching Melissandre blatantly trying to work her charms on Jon Snow...thankfully, she failed! Jon Snow has done a fantastic job of maintaining his integrity this
season. Kind of impressive...Stannis and Gendry didn't fare as well, for sure. Not cool for Melissandre to throw around, "You know nothing, Jon Snow." Nope.
- This conversation between Sansa and Littlefinger is everything!! Littlefinger recounts the events of the fateful tournament...the day when Rhaegar Targaryen showed favor to Lyanna Stark over his wife, Elia Martell. What's important here, is that you remember that, at this point, Lyanna was already promised to Robert Baratheon...sooooo, the whole thing was a big, messy 'no no.'
Littlefinger's reaction to Sansa's comment that Lyanna was kidnapped, raped, and killed really makes me wonder what exactly Littlefinger knows but isn't saying...I'm pretty sure that he's going to be the key in learning why Westeros is in the shape that it is...
- And, lastly, I am very sad about Barristan Selmy and Grey Worm being killed by the Sons of the Harpy. Just...why??
Maybe this will be the push that Daenerys needs to get her noble, dragon-wielding butt in gear!
Okay...that took much longer to put together than I'd anticipated, sorry it's taking so long for me to actually get posts up :/
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