Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Game of Thrones, Bates Motel, and Working....

Hey, hey...I hope you guys have been having a good week...I'm doing alright, still super busy with everything...but, no one wants to hear me going on and on about work, so I'll skip that...

What did you think about the latest episode of Game of Thrones?

I thought that the episode was pretty good...there are a few story developments that I thought were a bit unexpected:

- I don't know why, but I was genuinely surprised that Littlefinger arranged for Sansa to marry Ramsay Bolton. I mean, come on!! Ramsay is a freakin' BOLTON!! The family responsible for that little thing we call the Red Wedding!!! I know that Ramsay 'gave his word' to Littlefinger that he would never hurt Sansa, but I don't think that even means anything...I mean, the only one that might be less 'worth his word' in all of Westeros than a Bolton wold be Littlefinger. Geez. Poor Sansa...

Margaery + Tommen = 4 - Eva!
- I wasn't expecting the wedding of Tommen and Margaery to come quite as quickly as it did. Maybe I didn't think it was in the works yet because of the blatant lack of fanfare...though, I don't know if it would even be possible to top all of the fanfare of the previous royal wedding. And I'm pretty sure I can't be the only one that found the whole 'wedding night' scene to be more than a touch creepy...I'm not exactly sure how old TV show Tommen is supposed to be, but I know that book Tommen is rather, not even a teenager young! Soooooo, congratulations to Margaery for marrying a man-child with such, umm, natural prowess....but, it's still creepy.

- I'm seriously confused by the things going on with Arya while she's in the House of Black and White...not sure if all the secrecy is part of her padawan training, but we aren't given much to work with at all. I don't know whether I should be afraid for her character or if I should be anticipating a make-over of bad ass proportions...

- How about Jon Snow seriously manning up?!? Seriously! I've always more or less liked his character, so I'm glad to see that he's striving to be a man that's worth his word...

Other than GoT, I've been watching the latest season of Bates Motel...

Bates is on it's third season...I watched the first one on a Netflix binge-watching spree. I really liked it...but when I tried to watch the second season as it aired, I found it rather, 'meh.' So, I just waited until the entire second season was available on Netflix and then binge-watched the whole thing...

I thought that the third season would be the same way, but I'm pleasantly surprised to find that it isn't! It's one of the few shows that I make an effort to watch each episode as it airs. [Or I'll watch the newest episode on the A&E website...but I've been watching each episode before the next one airs! Progress, I tell ya...]

It's a really good show...It's supposed to be chronicling the life of Norman Bates 'pre-Psycho.' I've never seen the movie, so I'm not really sure at what point all of the build-up is supposed to end...but I'm a fan, so far! The story is just darkly-twisted enough to keep me's like...a small town that really tries to be the picturesque, white picket fence town that it portrays itself to be, but there's always an undeniable trace of some menacing evil working just beneath the surface...It's good!!

Alrighty...I've got to get back to work...hope to post again soon!

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