Saturday, April 11, 2015

Hey, Hey, Hey...

Pssssst! Hey!!

It's me! I know it's been a while since I last posted, but I promise I'm still alive!

Since I've been gone, it seems like I've had a lot going on and yet nothing going on at the same time...I always felt really busy, but looking back, I'm not quite sure why I felt that way.../shrug

Over the last couple weeks, I've had quite a bit of familial distress...I've got an aunt that's going through a tremendous amount of medical complications right now. That alone is enough to make for a worrisome situation, but add in the fact that she's overseas and it suddenly gets that much worse.

Luckily, we were able to figure out a way to get my cousin [her daughter] over there...but it's still a very stressful situation. Right now, the goal is to get her well enough to fly back to the states via MedEvac...her condition has been very up-and-down over the last week, but my aunt is definitely a fighter! So, if you don't mind, please throw up a quick prayer/positive thought/good juju for my aunt and the rest of my's been quite the emotional roller coaster.

A more lighthearted development is my renewed love for My Little Pony...yes, I'm a 'grown-up' who still likes MLP...I don't quite remember how it happened, exactly, but I've been really looking into collecting the original ponies.
Lost her at the last second...
curse you, eBay!!

Like most girls of the 80's, I had some of these adorable ponies...but, of course, I played with them. So now, I've been scouring eBay and Etsy like crazy!

Don't get me wrong, there are a ton of MLP toys that people are's finding a particular pony that you love and happens to be in good condition that's the challenge.

It's the G1 ponies that I'm interested in collecting...these are the ones that came out between 1982 and 1995. There are so many of them, I know it wouldn't be practical to try and collect them, I've decided to start with a group that might be a little more attainable. I'm looking for G1 Rainbow Ponies, Twinkle-Eyed Ponies, and a few particular Twice-as-Fancy ponies...I know these categories probably don't mean anything to you, so click here to see which ones I'm talking about...

Sooooo, if any of you happen to have some ponies that you no longer want, please let me know!!

Alrighty, I'm off to get things to prepare for a babyshower [yay.]...

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