Thursday, March 12, 2015

Longest Wait For Summer Ever...Thanks, Gravity Falls....

Do you guys remember me talking about the show Gravity Falls?

Last year, I decided to go as Dipper for Halloween [I wrote about it here and here]...I'm pretty sure that I haven't written anything about the show since then, but I never stopped being a huge fan.

Because it is an animated show, I know that a good bit of adults will probably write it off as yet another super childish kid's show...and it certainly doesn't help that Gravity Falls is a Disney cartoon. But, hear me out on this one...this show definitely does not deserve to be placed in the same category as Doc McStuffins or Sofia the First....or even Jake and the Neverland Pirates! [I actually like Jake a good bit /shrug]

Often times, I'll sit down to watch a new episode of Gravity Falls with the kiddo, and I'll find myself wondering if the show isn't actually too intense for him to watch! The show covers some pretty heavy topics [without looking at a list of episodes, I remember: abandonment, peer pressure, first loves, familial relationships, trust...actually, trust has been of the main components of the entire story-arc]. I think it's safe to say that it's risky to include such material in a 'kid's cartoon,' but those very risks are what sets Gravity Falls apart from any other 'kid's cartoon' that I've watched.

It was probably about the third time that I watched an episode with the kiddo that I noticed some of the things that were hidden in the show. [I'll admit that I initially thought that it would be a show like Scooby-Doo...] I noticed that the last bit of the ending credit sequences had a code underneath the picture...and then I noticed that this same sort of code was included in every episode...I paused my DVR and immediately wrote down one of the 'codes.' [I didn't expect the code to mean anything...I thought it was going to be some bonus Easter egg, like the jokes that flashed during the ending credits of Tiny Toons...if you missed those, you should check them out...some of them were rather funny!]

Check out that code! It's hilarious when it's decoded, btw...
Like the true skeptic that I am, I sat down with my notebook and started to try and crack the code...the particular one that I had written down wasn't especially difficult, I managed to figure it out in just a few minutes. It was at this point, when I realized that there were actual, decipherable codes used regularly in the show, that I was hooked. Solving that one little code heralded my joining of the Gravity Falls fandom...a fandom that I love being part of! There are so many people that scour each episode, obsessively looking for overlooked clues and hidden meanings, and I love it! [Btw, if you haven't noticed, obsessing is how I 'like' things. I either obsess over things or could care less about them...there's not really much middle ground. At all.]

Credit code...
So...why the seemingly random Gravity Falls post?

It's actually not random at all...

Earlier this week, the 'mid-season finale' episode premiered, and it was fantastic! Seriously, it was that good! [I'd rank it up there with any of the anime that I've seen...and I love me some anime!]

If you were listening really closely on Monday night, you probably heard the collective mind-blowing of the Gravity Falls fandom...the reaction to the episode was so massive that Gravity Falls shot up to the 'most trending' spot on Tumblr! [I admit that I don't really know much about Tumblr, but I feel as if this is a pretty big deal...] The episode had a reveal in it that was so huge, it left a good portion of the fandom literally stunned. Not exaggerating! Look it up on Tumblr, a girl even broke her ankle!

So many feels!
 If you haven't seen this ridiculously awesome show yet, you need to watch it. Like, now! Seriously, now!

If you already watch it, let me know so we can exchange theories and codes while we wait for the next episode!!

That's all I've got for no one....

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