Sunday, March 1, 2015

Indoor Rain....

Reason No. 5,784 that living in an apartment sucks:

It is very much within the realm of possibility that your jerk wads of upstairs neighbors will one day forget how to properly use indoor plumbing. If/when this happens, it will start to rain inside your apartment. From multiple places. Bonus points if the 'on site' maintenance guy lives 20-30 minutes away.

This. Except for inside your home.
 So, yeah. Avoid apartment living at all costs.

If you must live in an apartment, make sure to get the uppermost unit.

Update: The maintenance guy just left a minute ago. He said that the water was coming from my upstairs neighbors because their toilet over-flowed. Apparently, my neighbors are having a tough time getting adjusted to using a new brand of toilet paper. Adjusting to a new brand of toilet paper?!?!?!?

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