Friday, March 6, 2015

What's Your Favorite Collective Noun?

Yet another socially awkward misadventure...brought to you by yours truly...

Yesterday afternoon, the kiddo and I went to go pick up a few groceries and things for the upcoming week. After putting everything that we bought into the trunk of the car, I walked my shopping cart towards the cart corral. As I got closer to the corral, I noticed that some ladies were getting out of the car that was parked of the ladies saw that I was going to drop off my shopping cart and then asked if she could have it. Of course, I didn't mind giving her the shopping cart, so I politely said, "Sure!" and started pushing the cart in her direction.

Good Idea!
When I was about halfway there, the lady turned around [back towards her car] and commented to her friend about the loud crows that we hanging out in a nearby, thanks to my habitual politeness, I thought to myself, "Hey! She's right, the crows are awfully loud, aren't they? When I give her the car, I should comment on her crow comment...if I comment, it will validate her observation and act as a compliment of sorts...yes? It would be a good thing. Definitely a good thing. Okay, that settles it. When I give her the cart, I must comment on her comment."


Well...what actually happened was a little bit different that what I'd thought would happen...

So, I'm walking my cart to the lady and as soon as I get within earshot, I start with my carefully thought out comment.

Ready for this?

I smile at the lady and I say, "You know, you're right! It's quite the noisy murder over there!"

Yep. Those are the words that came out of my brilliant mouth. /Siiiiiigh

I attempt to speak to a stranger, and I use the word 'murder.'

You'd be surprised at how quickly someone can turn around and run from a situation if they feel as if they're in danger...that lady sure could move, though!'s where I get the chance to explain myself...

"Murder" is the proper collective noun to use when you're referring to a group of crows.

Why I chose that particular sentence to exploit the expanse of random, useless knowledge in my head? I have no idea...just part of the cringe-worthy awkwardness that is my everyday life.

So, there it is...I'm going to look into starting my hermit lifestyle now...

[*This event actually happened last weekend. I started writing this post on Monday, and I've just now finished it...yeah, my blogging commitment is starting to seriously decline...]

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